The elected officials are spending all their time arguing with each other on purely partisian lines rather than doing what is best for the American people and listening to what the constituency wants.
2006-11-07 19:14:29
answer #1
answered by nativeAZ 5
It means: over 200 years ago, the founders of the USA set up the system of government with what was supposed to be CHECKS AND BALANCES; on POWER so that one group or branch or person in the government would not have the ability to be a tyrant with they set up 3 branches of government---the Executive, which is the President, who carries out the laws; the Legislative, which makes the laws, also called "Congress", which includes the House of Representatives (each state gets a certain number based on their population) and the Senate (each state gets two)...for a law to pass, it must be passed by both the House and Senate and then be signed by the President. The third is the Judicial branch, which interprets the law. It consists of 9 Justices (they hate it when you call them Judges!) and if a law that was passed seems unfair, they are the last resort (after State Supreme courts, then the Federal Courts of Appeals which there are (9? I'm not sure) for that many different regions. The Supreme Court decides if a contested law is constitutional if that's been brought into question, and the Justices are appointed until they die or retire (for life) so that they cannot be swayed by political pressure in their decisions. (don't have to worry about losing their job if a decision is unpopular) If one of the 9 Justice seats is vacant, the President appoints one with the approval of the Senate. So these 3 branches of government are supposed to make sure that any one of the 3 areas doesn't have absolute power, unchecked, like a King who rules like a tyrant. Any extra power given to the president must be approved by other, independent branches of government--to ensure that power given is given with care, that doing so makes sense, and that it is not misused. However, the last 6 years, since Bush has been in office, all the branches of government are run by one party, the Republican party (conservative, for corporations and rich people, not for spending money on the little people for health care, education, jobs, etc) We have a 2 party system, the other party being the Democratic party, which is further to the left, and is for the little person, taxing the richest 1% and making corporations pay their fair share of taxes (but the big business party has allowed them to set up offshore---and pay virtually no taxes...Wal Mart actually takes more tax dollars than it gives since it moves jobs overseas, drives out small business in communities, and doesn't pay their workers much more than minimum wage or give them medical insurance! Anyway, the Democrats were in a minority everywhere, the republicans have changed the rules and moved further to the right, voting with the party and president instead of common sense, hence this much more fascist like govt run in secrecy by Bush....It seems the Republican controlled Presidency, Congress and Supreme court care less about the constitution than they do about greed and power, hence the corruption and proving "absolute power corrupts absolutely," the exact truth our founding fathers wanted to PREVENT from ever happening again since they were a colony of England rebelling against the absolutely corrupted King George of England when the American Revolution happened to be independent of that ugly way of ruling!!! Thus "broken government" which you read must refer to this US govt that has not "checked" or questioned the president's power, he hasn't even vetoed anything sent him by congress, changes rules to allow our govt to torture and take rights away and spy without warrants (which means they can do it to any American once it's all secret, so better obey every and i mean EVERY law!!! And thought police too--once it's secret, your political views can be punished as well! Like in Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany! I just hope the Dems with tonight's gains can undo some of the damage done by bush!
2006-11-08 04:25:05
answer #2
answered by LogicalReason 3