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someone in my town that, they quickly come to their town's defence and disagree with my views. They can never, for one second be objective when it comes to judging their stupid little town. It's laughable because things are so obviously lousy here and yet they will try to deny it just because it's their hometown and badmouthing their hometown is the same as badmouthing them. They've never been exposed much to the modern city folks. Everybody thinks and talks the same it's driving me crazy here. My town sucks sucks sucks!! I grew up here too but at least I'm unbiased and tell things as it is. I feel so alone because of this. Does this ever happen to you?

2006-11-07 18:21:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

10 answers

Yes, I live in a bigoted town off the Pacific Northwest Coast. I am guessing that the folks in your town are white; they are here too. They are in denial about their bigoted conduct even though they know they are wrong.

I cannot wait to move to a more diverse larger area. I do look so forward to this day soon. I know there will be different problems I face in my new town but at least it will be a far cry from the constant bigotry and close-mindedness, ignorant backwards thinking town where I live now. This is truly hell on earth and as usual, they are white doing the damage and yet they don't want you to talk or distill their propensity to behave as jacksasses.

Best thing for you is to research a new place to live like I have -- do this over the internet and call the town or write to those in that new town that you have decided first before you move there. Be sure it's a place where you will be happy -- happier. Living in a small bigoted town lends no growth but will only cause you to anger and you might just plot against them and do something you will regret, so plan, research, strategize and get out!

Good luck.

2006-11-07 19:58:55 · answer #1 · answered by KimIsland 3 · 0 1

Of course you feel alone, because you're turning everyone against you. You don't have to like where you live. It's normal to want to get out and experience a different way of life. You do have to stop treating the people in your town like the dirt on your shoe by insulting them all the time.

Did it occur to you that some of the adults there have lived in other places, but they choose to live in that small town? I hope when you're old enough you go experience life in a big city. You will probably enjoy it a lot for a few years. Then you will find out why sometimes cities really suck too, and the people there aren't better then where you come from- maybe better in some ways and worse in others.

2006-11-07 18:35:09 · answer #2 · answered by mj_indigo 5 · 0 2

I agree. If somebody believes it, then it should be plausible, with what they have been raised to have faith and what they have been by using in existence. now and back human beings think of that all and sundry Christians are hypocrites that often think of they're good. i'm hoping that I never act hypocritical, and that i understand that i'm no longer suitable. in certainty, I basically did something particularly undesirable immediately. besides, i assume what i'm attempting to declare is that an quite open-minded individual might ought to take a seat and particularly evaluate the info until eventually now they called somebody else ignorant or stupid. And on an analogous time as the Bible does exhibit solutions to hard themes, we nevertheless won't be in a position to understand something because of the fact of our human nature, which ought to make us prefer to seek even deeper into God's be conscious.

2016-10-15 12:36:51 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

As horrible as your home town may be, you should stop badmouthing it in order to make you feel better about yourself. Everything about the place cannot be that terrible. That is after all the place where you were shaped. Learn from your past, and do not entirely turn your back on it. You will find that people will start liking you once you stop trying to act superior.

2006-11-07 18:29:24 · answer #4 · answered by krisi 3 · 0 1

I used to live there! I couldn't WAIT to move away

but now that i'm a little older, i miss some things about it.
Like no traffic noise at night and you can fall asleep to the sound of the crickets and locusts
I miss the solitude and simpleness, no traffic lights (no traffic!),
i miss knowing the neighbors and knowing they would look out for your stuff if your gone...
i do not miss everybody having to know my business though

2006-11-07 18:32:05 · answer #5 · answered by kimandchris2 5 · 1 1

i was from a small town i miss it .cities are kinda messed up with all the poeple and taffic and sirens all the time its to much for me. but i dont have anything to go back to no work there so i guess ill put up with this.

2006-11-07 18:36:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'm from a fairly big city (LA) so no, this doesn't really happen to me. It would drive me crazy living in a place where ideas are homogenized though. Maybe one day you can leave?

2006-11-07 18:24:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

yes every day i live in a really really small town in south africa so yeah it happens alot i hate it

2006-11-07 18:27:18 · answer #8 · answered by Miranda B 2 · 2 1

If you'll start praying you'll see it different!
It's a blessing!

2006-11-07 18:32:57 · answer #9 · answered by tatal_nostru2006 5 · 1 0

you can come live with me ;p

2006-11-07 18:30:46 · answer #10 · answered by Who is he 2 · 0 1

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