Best interest of the average American? How was it in my mother's interest to undermine the electoral process in Chile by having democratically elected Salvador Allende killed, only to be replaced by right wing extremist dictator Agusto Pinochet? How the hell was that possibly in any average American's interests? Did Chile ever, at any point, violate American soveriegnty, so as to invite US interference into internal Chilean affairs?
2006-11-07 18:30:05
answer #1
answered by Rev. Uncle Neil Banana Head 2
You assume that the vast majority of Americans care.
As one myself, I can attest that they don't.
Answer: Cold War politics.
Rant: Yes, the US has done lots and lots of not so great stuff. Yes, it is doing stuff that isn't all of that great now. No, I don't support it. I don't think we should have done a lot of the stuff we did. I am all for peace keeping and humanitarian efforts. But the rest of world is fooling itself if it thinks that the US is ever going to do anything but act it its best interest.
Every country with at least a semi-functioning government does the same.
2006-11-08 02:06:36
answer #2
answered by Jamir 4
the same question i ask to chile how do you explain you government support to United Kingdom in the war of 82 in falkland island
2006-11-08 02:03:29
answer #3
answered by 2
Countries do what is best for them and their people, or at least what they think is best. All countries do it. It would be ignorant to assume and only blame the US since EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY does what's in their best interest. It's not always a bad thing, just different people with different Ideas.
2006-11-08 02:14:26
answer #4
answered by amish_renegade 4
The USA only likes one sort of government that is one that supports them. All this talk of democracy is nonsense as history has shown The USA supported Saddam Hussein until he invaded Kuwait and threatened their oil supplies.
2006-11-08 02:03:23
answer #5
answered by brainstorm 7
pretty good I see we sent you your computer
2006-11-08 02:23:10
answer #6
answered by Mechanical 6