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At what age should you stop swaddling an infant? Our baby is 3 weeks old and we were recently told that we should stop swaddling so as to not restrict the movement of the baby...Is this true? We have a fussy baby that only seems to be calmed by this method, but we do not want to hurt him in any way. Your help is appreciated.

2006-11-07 17:54:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

11 answers

Unless your pediatrician tells you otherwise... Swaddle away!!! Obviously, you have found a method to calming your baby that works, so use it. A lot of what people will tell you is based on wives-tales that have no truth to them what-so-ever. I could understand not swaddling a 3 year old, but a 3 WEEK old?! I personally think that at 3 weeks swaddling provides comfort and protection. Think about how much your uterus restricted his movements... and that was only 3 weeks ago! Next time someone tells you something like this take it with a grain of salt... and rely on your motherly instincts. You will know when to stop swaddling...

Congratulations and good luck!!

2006-11-07 18:02:58 · answer #1 · answered by Tiggy's Momma 3 · 2 0

Have you heard of the 5 S's. Swaddle, Sucking, Shhhhh, swaying, and I cannot remember the fifth one. It really works. I am a mom of 2 I swaddled my now 4 year old till he was 6 weeks old. After that he wouldn't stay in there. My second child is now 10 months old and swaddling really worked for her too. I swaddled her till she was about 2 months old. especially at night. Newborns love to be swaddled. That is the way they were in the womb....not so much room to move in. The feel more secure that way. It prevents them from having jerky, sudden movements that scare them!!! Swaddle you infant when he/she is donna sleep and give him some free time. You will not hurt your baby. Restricting their movements is a good thing ....your baby will let you know when to stop the swaddling trust me!!

2006-11-07 18:32:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When my baby was 6 months old I did it every day
I even did it once at 10 months. But that was a little crazy I had to use a huge blanket but it calmed her down a bit.
My baby can almost stand on her own and she climbs up furniture and from furniture to furniture, she rolls over and everything else and she is 10 months.
I think swaddling is good for the baby. So whenever you feel like shes too big.

2006-11-07 18:29:41 · answer #3 · answered by buterflikizes20 2 · 1 0

You should swaddle him in the morning hours just after bath and then during the afternoons leave him free to do his activities and as the evening sets swaddle him once again so that he gets a good nights sleep.

2006-11-07 18:07:37 · answer #4 · answered by nandru_22 3 · 1 0

You can swaddle an infant as long as they will let you. The baby will eventually get too active for swaddling and kick/move their way out of it. That's their way of saying they're too old for it. For now, if it works for you and most of all, calms your baby...SWADDLE AWAY!

2006-11-07 19:08:05 · answer #5 · answered by milldan65 4 · 1 0

dont listen to them. Babies love swaddling because they are used to being in the womb and all "swaddled" that way.... usually when they get to be about 3 or 4 months they start moving around much more and you 'can't" swaddle them because they dont want it. lol. 3 weeks is not too old.. sheesh who the heck gave you that advice is messed up. Keeep swaddling and keep your baby feeling SECURE =)

2006-11-07 18:45:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I swaddled both my children until they just would not let me anymore. If that is what calms them down, then do it. When they are ready, they will not stay swaddled. They can wriggle free when they want to.

2006-11-07 19:18:21 · answer #7 · answered by FabMom 4 · 0 0

Well at 3 weeks he needs time to move his arms & legs. But when he is cranky go ahead & swaddle him. My mother said that was the only way she could get me to go to sleep until I was almost a year. Although my children hated being swaddled.

2006-11-07 17:59:44 · answer #8 · answered by notAminiVANmama 6 · 2 1

as quickly as she will kick out of it and it comes off her, is the proper time to end swaddling her. My older son grew to become into swaddled til approximately 4 months previous, and my 3 month previous twins are nonetheless swaddled. i finished swaddling my older son whilst he ought to get out of it, and that i'll do an identical with my twins, :D

2016-12-28 15:46:36 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

swaddle ? my little peanut wanted nothing to do w/that. From day 1 he didn't like it, he still kicks the covers off the bed.

2006-11-07 21:45:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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