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I am trying to make acetone with the reaction of isopropyl alcohol + bleach + vinegar (acetic acid). I know this reaction works but I have to keep track of how much oxidizing agent I have in solution periodically and to do this I need an indicator such as the stach Iodide complex. I can purchase starch at the grocerey store but I am going to have to make my own KI since you need a perscription for it from the pharmacy. So I already know how to isolate the Iodine from table salt and I have purchased NuSalt which is just KCl, but know I am trying to figure out a reaction between KCl and Iodine that will let me end up with KI in the end. Any help anyone can give me would be much appreciated. I know I can't just add them together because Cl is more reactive than Iodine so the rxn won't be driven forward. I just can't think of anything. Please someone help me. Thanks for any help you can give.

2006-11-07 15:07:08 · 3 answers · asked by Chem_lover_Chris 2 in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

3 answers

I know the answer......but I'm not going to give it. This line of questioning smacks of activities I'd rather not involve myself.

If you have a bonafide need for potassium iodide then purchasing it through legitimate channels is the easiest way.

2006-11-10 04:47:50 · answer #1 · answered by jloertscher 5 · 0 0

Just buy the drug because who knows what you'll make. It is unpurified and not sterile. You can end up getting sick.
I've compounded my own medications in lab, and we've been told to never use them.
People with thyroid problems should go to their doctors and not try to make their own iodine.

2006-11-08 19:10:12 · answer #2 · answered by Lea 7 · 0 0

as far as I know the iodine in salt is potassium iodate.
perhaps you should stop messing around in the direction you seem headed.

2006-11-07 23:17:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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