I am trying to make acetone with the reaction of isopropyl alcohol + bleach + vinegar (acetic acid). I know this reaction works but I have to keep track of how much oxidizing agent I have in solution periodically and to do this I need an indicator such as the stach Iodide complex. I can purchase starch at the grocerey store but I am going to have to make my own KI since you need a perscription for it from the pharmacy. So I already know how to isolate the Iodine from table salt and I have purchased NuSalt which is just KCl, but know I am trying to figure out a reaction between KCl and Iodine that will let me end up with KI in the end. Any help anyone can give me would be much appreciated. I know I can't just add them together because Cl is more reactive than Iodine so the rxn won't be driven forward. I just can't think of anything. Please someone help me. Thanks for any help you can give.
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