Ay like everything learning and understanding will come in time.Like a river life has it's flow;you can't stop it,change it or control it so my friend don't rush it.Make plans for your future but live in the moment.Enjoy life don't get so caught up in it.Understand and know yourself,your body,it's and your needs.Pick and choose your battles.You don't need to experience absolutly everything suchas falling off a tree and breaking your leg would hurt-things like that-it's better to take anothers word in that matter and move on.Know your passions.Everything aperson needs in life is provided for them.Don't rush yourself.Patience grasshopper.Don't put the weight of the world on your shoulderz for your own weight will be plenty.No one knowz everthing and honestly not everyone is meant to know everything or else there would be no mystery in life.Life is very much like a bouqet of flowers that blooms and dies in its own time.ALWAYS BELIEVE AND NEVER ABANDONE HOPE.Society may be cruel but their is beauty in that also and that comes from your own perseption.Their is both positive and negative.Everyting in life has opposing forces-it is how balace is achieved.You are 21 and these dayz of youth are some kinda kraziness.Indulge in it because when they are gone-thery're gone.Explore the relms of youthful indulgeness,alwayz have protected sex,respect yourself always and never ever be foolish with your heart.Laugh until you cry and cry until your head hurtz and your tears dry.when you fall in love always know that there might be a chance that you might not be loved back.The truest of love always hurtz but know this as true as the sun rises out of the east the pain of love forges a person like nothing else ever could in life.This journey of life is far from easy but then what worthwile things are?We are here because we have a right to be.Be who you want to be and how you want to be and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.Know that not everyone will like you as you won't like everyone.You can't please everyone nor help everyone.Remember my friend you are only human and as such we are programmed to screw up and itz okay.You have to allow yourself to accept you shortcomings,failurez,guilt etc.Pat yourself on the back when you do good but don't expect too much out of life or people.Always forgive yourself for unintentionally hurting some one.Don't try too hard.The road to hell is paved with good intentions and also don't expect an angry bull not to charge you because you're a good person or a vegetarian.Life is'nt fair so don't expect anything back but keep on,keeping on start buildin a foundation and add upon it for it will ground you and keep you solid and true to youself'it will pick you up when you fall.My friend don't be so overwealmed.If you read then pick the book the Alcymist and or somthing by Doctor Wayne Dyer.Amazing perspective and insight into a way of thinking,understanding,believing and being.peace my friend,write me if you want.Chio!
2006-11-08 02:17:20
answer #1
answered by Shalimaar 3
Ask yourself what you enjoy doing, get a job that allows you to do what you like to do.
Yes society can be cruel, but don't let it grind you down. Keep in mind that people won't understand you until they walk a mile in your shoes, and that some people just won't take the time to do that.
The coming of adulthood can be overwhelming. You are no longer living a carefree life, and are now being expected to have responsibilities, eg... furthering you schooling, while possibly holding down a job, which leads to taxes. You may have to pay rent, laundry, groceries, making your own food... the list is extensive. You are not alone, you may think that your parents have done their job, but they should always be there for advice. Use their knowledge. And try not to sweet it so much things will be alright... You are in the right direction by wanting to make a good life.
2006-11-07 14:34:25
answer #2
answered by Joe K 6
I'm 25 and went through the same thing. I realized that I needed to do what I could for myself and not rely on others to satisfy what it was I needed. Only I could do that. Life is really hard and it doesn't get easier. First, do for yourself then for others. If you're not happy, how can you make others happy. When life gets you down, do something rewarding for yourself and another person in need. Feel depressed? Do a good deed. Anything, play with your neighborhood kids, feed the homeless, anything. I've learned to not care about what others say and think. Especially if it's hurting me. If there is something you see wrong, do something to change it. Don't like all the grafiti on the walls? Paint over them and start a small organization that will help you out on the weekend painting over unsightly neighborhood grafiti. Do something to change your community, it will then help to change (slowly change) society! Trust me I'm a teacher and teaching is my help in the community. It also makes me feel good to know that I'm giving my knowledge to someone younger than me. And the fact that I'm not just a teacher, but I'm a counselor, a mentor, a big sister and I'm helping our future leaders is so rewarding. Good luck. Don't worry you'll figure it out!
2006-11-07 14:13:09
answer #3
answered by AnneeMoon 2
First of all you're only twenty one. You've got at the most about five to seven decades to learn about adulthood. Fifty to seventy years is a lot of time to learn this neverending subject. The good news is there are no grades or written exams to study for. As for the overwhelming amount of knowledge you feel you have to cope with: don't worry... vast amounts of it will gell in your brain and it will happen when you need it. That is one of the wonders of the human brain; it's processing powers are amazing.
Society has always been cruel. Since Cain left the family to build his own cities it has been this way. We are human. However you should know that you can't change society but then it isn't society that has to change: It's the individuals within society that have to change.
You are one of these individuals. Isn't that nice? You get to help society and all you have to do is acknowledge that you can't save the world but you can make a HUGE difference within your own community.
So how do you face this? The best answer I have for that darlin is God. That's the only way I could cope with all my worries, fears, hatred, and loss when I was twenty four. It is not as simple as that, there is a heck of a lot more to it, but for almost three decades it has helped me immensly.
2006-11-07 19:21:02
answer #4
answered by the old dog 7
Learn to meditate.
Your stress level will drop through the floor & dissappear.
Society, your questions, the cruelty will all be there, but the feeling that it is impinging upon your very self will not arise (I suspect)
Meditation for me has given me a great deal of courage to face such things square on - they aren't going away, and I don't have to cringe when I look at them, calmly and directly.
Eric Harrison has some really good books to start with - yes you can learn this life-skill from a book. You can order the books from www.amazon.com or Powell's. How Meditation Heals is very good - straightforward instruction while also explaining the biological basis for it all.
Most important if you choose to start meditating is to do it every day without fail. The long term benefit comes with regular practice, although some benefit comes almost immediately even after 2 - 3 minutes!
Good Luck!
2006-11-07 14:54:50
answer #5
answered by WikiJo 6
Everything is all a matter of perspective. Try no to bother of burden yourself too much it's all a matter of state of mind. Allow positive energy to enter your body and if you have time try to sit back and relax. Don't load every minute of your day with something to do and don't always allow your mind to think about something that is unchangeable. Sometimes it will be good just to close your eyes and blanken your thought. Take everything slow and step by step. When you meet challenges or in times of despair, just take a deep breath and tell yourself everything will be alright. For the universe is on your side and the Cosmo conspire to help you achieve your goal.
2006-11-07 14:16:08
answer #6
answered by imageman 2
Life is a learning experience. At 42 I look back at my decisions during my twenties and thirties and cannot believe the ideas I bought into or what I thought was important.
My advice is:
1) Do not live your life according to another's standards.
2) Follow your instinct/gut reaction all the time.
3) In personal relationships do not expect another person to act the way you want. Of course you should not tolerate abuse. However, if family members, friends or lovers don't treat you the way you want even after you discussed it with them, you must move on. Do let another person's baggage hold you down. You owe nothing to anyone except yourself.
4) Don't start accumulating items/things or debts yet. You may want to travel the world next year and the debts would limit your freedom.
5) If you are a woman and are dating a man in his twenties or early thirties, don't expect him to be ready to settle down. Don't try to manipulate him or trap him with a child if he says he is not ready for a serious relationship.
2006-11-07 14:16:11
answer #7
answered by Laughing Libra 6
I know the feeling...I think you need to take one day at a time...and try to put everything in the Lord's hands...just say a prayer at the start of the day...I believe each day will get better when you realize that you can't change the past and you don't know the future so just take it as it comes and do what you can in the moment to make the right decisions for you. I hope this helps a little...I will be praying for you...
2006-11-07 14:09:25
answer #8
answered by Lanie 3
hold it. you are only 21, take a deep deep breath...and don't relax that breath until you feel OK. one day at a time...and there are 365 days. hold everything...do not let anyone to push you around. we are not all made from the same stuff....take it easy. have a nice hobby, music, photo, news, whatever you like...and go for it...a couple of hrs. a day. i love nature. i walk, yours could be different. have a pet, dog, cat, bird, fish...all helps. and stop learning all ...at once..follow the ex. of Socrates "the only thing i know is i know nothing" hope it helps.
2006-11-07 14:09:31
answer #9
answered by s t 6
im only 19 and im starting to go thru what yure goin thru already... we're growin up, we're startin to get more knowledge that we are not expecting it... my boyfriend is goin into the army and its really stressful for me because i have to worry about him and i have soo many going on at home too, my dog died last week, my gma is not doing so good, at least i got my family and friends behind my back at least ask yur friends if theyre true to yu to be there when yu need them the most... just take things one at a time and go with the flow... dont do too much at once and society we live in isnt just cruel.... society is hell and i dont like it either too.... but thats just life.... we're growin up and learning as we go.... i hope it helped... my boyfriend's mom told me that and she really did help me out by seeing that more....
good luck and t'care!
2006-11-07 14:31:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous