I am a teacher of mathematics and in a 31 year career I have had it happen to me exactly 1 time!!! It is a very very low probability
2006-11-07 14:12:37
answer #1
answered by Wal C 6
Boy! With the exception of one answer, you found yourself some real beauts who can really get a question!!!! ;o)
The answer is close to nill. The chance of the coin landing on it's side is infinitely miniscule due to the balance of weight required upon impact. I guess nothing is statistically impossible unless there's an error in compulations, but this would be incredibly close.
2006-11-07 14:01:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I did it last week by accident.. pulled coins out of my pocket and a quarter landed on the table, standing straight up... vertical.. on the rim.. not face down or heads up for those that might not understand simplicity at its finest....second time this year... so I would say.. the average is every 1/2 century... go figure...
2013-10-24 20:03:33
answer #3
answered by Sharkman 1
a coin cannot stand on its side without outside help, so the probability is really small, specifically since it would have to land on its side leaning up against something. There would be no specific way to measure the probability of this happening, since there are so many, actually infinite, variables in the environment to consider when organizing the equation. It is not possible to compute the answer, just know that the probability of this is very, very small.
2006-11-07 15:05:51
answer #4
answered by Christie 3
Hi. A coin has a thickness. The greater the thickness the greater the chance. A coin that is thicker than it's diameter would almost ALWAYS land on it's rim.
2006-11-07 14:11:08
answer #5
answered by Cirric 7
You mean on its rim? Very small. Not only does the coin have to land with its center of mass above its rim, it must at the same time have such a small angular momentum that it won't rock past the stable position.
2006-11-07 13:54:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
As the cois has two sides only, therefore it will land either on face or back. Therefore its 1 out of 2 ~ 50 percent.
2006-11-07 13:54:37
answer #7
answered by MY Regards to All 4
It depends on the coin.
See the site below for an excellent discussion of the issue.
2006-11-07 13:59:34
answer #8
answered by Jay 6
1/2 of half look at it like this # of possibility over total
how ways can it land like Head or tail are all the possibility then if u flip it once only one of then can land so 1/ total which is 2.
2006-11-07 13:54:09
answer #9
answered by Best Helper 4
ask every girl you meet that same question, then ask them to sleep with you. If one says yes, thats about the probability of a coin landing on its side.
2006-11-07 13:58:37
answer #10
answered by s w 4