We say that division by zero is undefined, for it is not consistent with division by other numbers.
Here's a little experiment for you to try on your calculator. Observe the output when you try the following set of calculations:
until your calculator can't go any further or you get tired. You should notice that the answers continue getting larger and larger.
Another way of thinking of it is to imagine filling a box with apples. Say a box can hold 100 apples. Now try filling it with apples that are half the size of these apples. You can put 200 in the box. Now imagine a special, magic apple that takes up no room at all. How many can you put in the box?
Well, the answer is... there is no answer! That is why mathematicians refer to numbers that are divided by 0 as "undefined." Some people tend to think of them as being infinite, but this isn't exactly true. There simply is no answer.
2006-11-07 10:58:39
answer #1
answered by RHJ Cortez 4
Okay, what happens if you divide by 1/2? Of course, it is doubled.
If you divide by 1/4 you get a number 2 times bigger than when you divided by 2. If you divide by 1/8 you get an answer even bigger. Say you divided by numbers that got progressively closer to zero like 1/16, 1/20, 1/100, 1/10000. Your answers would skyrocket approaching infinity. You can't reach infinity since it's not a number and by definition even if it was a number you still could never reach it because my infinity might be bigger than your infinity. Therefore you can't divide by zero because you don't get an answer that is a number.
2006-11-07 19:28:09
answer #2
answered by Smiley 2
Let me put it to you this way. What number times 0 equals 0? The answer to this question is any number except infinity. (Infinity is a special case in mathematics.) Because any number times 0 equals 0, 0 divided by zero has an infinite number of possible answers. Therefore, we say that the answer to this equation is "undefined."
2006-11-07 18:57:17
answer #3
answered by kevink8125 2
You cannot divide something by nothing, right?
Can you divide 10 apples with your family if you have none?
In math terms, let's try one sample.
25 divided by zero = does not exist.
Is there is number that when multiplied by zero will give you 25?
The answer is no, right?
So, in math terms, we say that 25/0 = undefined or simply cannot be solved.
2006-11-07 19:09:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you divide even .000001 by 0, 0 would never increment close to .000001 so the amount of times 0 would go into any number is infinity
2006-11-07 18:57:03
answer #5
answered by bourqueno77 4
Yes you can, is Infinity
try doing the limit
2006-11-07 19:00:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Because your teacher said so.
Actually, it's because the answer is undefined. Is it infinity? Is it negative infinity? Your guess is as good as anyone else's.
2006-11-07 18:57:02
answer #7
answered by Dave 6
I've ever answered to this question. You can consult my Q/R data bank.
2006-11-07 18:59:31
answer #8
answered by frank 7
how many times does nothing go into something?
2006-11-07 18:56:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
nothing is exactly that..... nothing. u can't make something out of nothing.
2006-11-07 18:57:14
answer #10
answered by thundergnome 3