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We have all the equipment, but have no idea how to set it up.

2006-11-07 08:36:03 · 22 answers · asked by Jinx 1 in Pets Fish

22 answers

Here's some links, do searches for setting a fish tank, cycling a fish tank, and maintenance/caring for a fish tank. Also, be sure to research your fish before buying them to make sure you have the proper care requirements (tank size) as well as their compatibility with other fishes. So many fishes look cool at the fish store, like pacus & certain catfish, but they don't tell you they end up 3 feet long....





2006-11-07 09:24:43 · answer #1 · answered by tikitiki 7 · 2 0

I have worked in the aquatic trade for many years and the biggest and most common problems are. Rushing, Take your time and get everything right before you buy any fish. The water should be in the tank for 2 weeks before any fish are put in. Secondly, buy 1 or 2 fish the first week and then a couple more each week if everything is still ok. But by far the biggest problem is over-feeding. Once a day in the morning and only enough so that they eat it all in 2 minutes. Stick to this and read up as much as possible and everything will be fine. Good luck and enjoy your fish.

2006-11-08 01:35:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all you have to make sure you have a heater, a filter system( with an ammonia netralizer), and when you set up the heater, depending in the fish the temp should be between 74-82 degrees. You also need a neutral colored gravel for the bottom, like a brown, tan, or something along those lines. Tropical fish do not like anything that is neon, or too bright. Also, it is nice for the fish if you provide a type of backround. it is good for the fish and it makes the tank look alot more pleasing to the eye. And last but not least, if you have aggressive fish in the tank, make sure you have plenty of hiding spots, like bigger rocks, and various plants so they can hide if need be. I would suggest using live plants, because it is good for the water and the fish, because they provide oxygen. But fake ones can be used to. Well I hope that helped you out!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-07 10:10:28 · answer #3 · answered by pa_cutie_sexy 1 · 0 1

Ok! Ok! Let set up a tropical fish tank!

First...aside from the tank, water and fishes, you have to have a good filter. There are different types of filters in the market, like the UGF, the over head filter, etc. But the most recomended is the canister type. Why? Because canister type has more room to different filter media. Canister filters are fitted with filter media for mechanical, chemical and biological filtration.

The mechanical filter media consist of those course and fine filter fibers. they act to filter unwanted particles floating or suspended in aquarium water. Chemical mediums are use to regulate the water quality. These medium consist of products that absorbed chlorine and phospate in the water and those pesky things that makes aquarium water yellow. A good example of this are the activated carbons use in filters. Biological filters are those filter where good bacteria grow. These filter are use to boost the nitrogen cycle in the tank. Bio-balls and other ceramic tubes are the best example.

Now that you have a good filter, we then go to the subtrate. Since you are not using an undergravel-filter, you can make your subtrate a little thin. If you make the subtrate too deep, it may turn black and smelly due to oxygen defficiency, thus poisoning your aquarium. So the best is a little about 2 inches deep. I sometimes place a small powerhead in the tank, to replicate natural current and to avoid "dead spots". See to it that your subtrate are not too much lime. Beach sand is good on salt water tanks but a disaster on fresh water tanks. Also check if your subreate and rock decorations will affect the pH of your tank water. If you like, you can place real live plants in the tank. Choose plants that are hardy and that only required moderate sunlight.

Lighting is next in the list. If you have plants then a good lighting is needed. Asked the pet shop for the best light product.

If you have some spare, then buy some good water test kit. It may be optional, but hey! You may want to know if your ammonia or nitrate level is too high.

Decorations like drift woods, rocks or those nifty airating decorations like those of Penplax are nice. It up to your taste. If you like a community tank, then it is just a simple set-up. There is this other type of aquarium set-up called a biotope aquariums. In biotope aquariums, you are trying to replicate the natural envirorment of a fish which includes the water chemistry, the set-up itself and the community of fishes that live in a particular biotope. In setting up a biotope, do some research about the natural envirorment of the fish you are trying to purchase. Also look for its natural neigbhor. Example, if your into tetras, just go to your local library to find out the natural scene of a Brazillian river and copy it to make your own Brazillian Biotopes.

So I hope this may help.

Happy fish-keeping!

2006-11-07 12:11:39 · answer #4 · answered by John the Pinoy 3 · 0 0

set up all your equipment as instructed,then add the water which has been treated with water treatment such as SAFE GUARD which makes tap water safe for the fish (tropical fish treatment don't use goldfish treatment), I also used FILTER START which gets the good bacteria that fish need started in your filter faster than if you don't add it, then you should leave the tank running for at least 24hrs-48hrs for it to settle then just added a few small fish like neon tetras to see how things go, you can also get your water tested at most aquatic stores for about 50p. Don't get to carried away buying fish as it takes quite a while for the tank to mature and you could end up with lots of dead fish! also try and buy non-aggressive (community fish) as they live happily together,

2006-11-07 12:24:39 · answer #5 · answered by carla c 1 · 1 0

Fill the tank with water let the water sit for a full day apply the water heater soon after you add the water you wont need dechlorinator since you are aging the water put fish in the tank clean tank every week or so... ;)

2016-05-22 08:24:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hi. the basic thing to do is read a good fish book before you start.dont be in a hurry to put fish in your new tank.run a good quality filter and once your water has warmed up to 76f approx and sat for a few days add a few hardy fish. Add your fish only a few at a time.Be guided by your fish shop as to what you put in.Feed small amounts twice a day.But above all change approx 15% of the water every 2 weeks with treated water.If you have a filter with foam only wash the foam or any other medium in your old tank water NEVER in fresh tap water.

2006-11-10 09:42:37 · answer #7 · answered by david p 1 · 0 0

Hi there - the best thing you can do is to join a local aquatic society to get good advice - failing that go to a reputable aquatic shop and really pick their brains and learn about the basics of fishkeeping.

Bear in mind that these are living creatures and aquarium keeping is not as easy as it may first seem.

Many fish die in the learning period when people start off without proper information - this is a sad fact.

Before you buy any fish you need to read and talk to people "in the know" - I wish you luck with it - most of all I wish the fish luck too - they are the ones that suffer with people who do not get all the relevant information before they start.
Best wishes

2006-11-07 08:46:25 · answer #8 · answered by Lynne B 3 · 5 0

You should invest in a good book on the subject - very important. Set everything up carefully and when you are ready to start adding fish, only add a couple at a time and don't overstock your tank.

2006-11-07 09:30:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well first of all you need a light which goes on the underneath of the lid, u need a heater which shud stick inside the tank on the glass, and a water filter which also sticks inside of the tank, put all the gravel in the tank and all ur ornaments u want in there, fill it with water and you'll have to put some chemicals into the water to sterilise it! buy a little thermometer thing to see what the temp of the tank is and once its to the right temperature buy some cheap neon fish...because if they die its not so bad, if they survive for a week or 2 then u can go on to buy other tropical fish! hope that helps

2006-11-07 08:42:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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