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i was born in a muslim family.
i'm secular in thoughts and deeds.
i'm not fond of sharia law or the veil.
i drink and eat pork.
i do all the normal things as the typical english man does.
yet i'm sick of being stopped and searched.
i have a fair complexion.
despite living and enjoying every minute of life in this country, why am i constatnly being told to get out of this country. britain has been home for the last 30 years.
i love this country and want to stay. given the chance i'd fight for this country.
i'm sick of the way young boys and girls are going back to their faith. young girls are now wearing the hijab to piss of the authority. these young girls do not their faith yet they are rebelling. as for boys i'm also worried that they are also finding solace in their faith when society is rejecting them.

2006-11-07 08:19:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

9 answers

Maybe you are more british , than some born here

2006-11-07 08:22:06 · answer #1 · answered by Starlight 4 · 3 1

It must be really bad for you that a small number of muslims are giving all muslims a bad name.The young are rebelling like any ordinary kids.I am not against people of muslim faith only the ones that want to blow us up & they are the ones creating this bad feeling.Ignore the idiots who tell you to get out of the country its your home.You have to take into account if the bombimgs had not happened feelings would not be so high.The police stop & search all kinds of people at the moment you are bound to be classed has high risk.I hope it blows over & we can all live in peace.Also you say you are fair skinned so its obvious there not picking on you for being a muslim.When it comes to it what does it matter what colour peoples skin is we are all human.

2006-11-07 08:32:17 · answer #2 · answered by Ollie 7 · 0 0

Any reasonable person in this society wouldn't mind being stopped and searched on a daily basis if they had nothing to hide if it makes you late for work make sure you get something from the police that states they searched you that is why your late also i don't believe that when you say you will fight for this country that, that is the right mindset especially when you go on about the kids doing it to rebel it sounds like you are so be polite courteous and keep your chin up and be a role model!

2006-11-07 08:30:19 · answer #3 · answered by Adam King 2 · 1 2

Your a fake ,with a very cynical way of creating anti muslim feeling,so why dont you stop wasting everybodies time,and get yourself off to bed,God you must have a sad life if this is how you get your entertainment,its people like you that cause conflict.

2006-11-07 09:11:32 · answer #4 · answered by wozza.lad 5 · 1 0

you are judged because their is Muslims out there who ruin it for everyone by being idiots it happens the world over one bad apple can spoil the whole basket u know

2006-11-07 08:24:51 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 3 1

Dont fall for it guys! Hes full of s*it!
Hes been posting crap all day and hes changed his id god knows how many times.

2006-11-07 08:32:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

wow - bet you feel better for getting all that off your chest. sounds like people have been pre-judging you because of your faith - sorry to hear that and good for you for standing up for yourself xx

2006-11-07 08:21:39 · answer #7 · answered by mousie 4 · 4 1

Fair enough. Nice biography.

Now, err... what was your QUESTION exactly?

2006-11-07 08:34:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


2006-11-07 08:21:49 · answer #9 · answered by Jack R 1 · 1 1

fedest.com, questions and answers