I have two 6 foot red tail boas there extremely friendly never bit me once. I have two carpet pythons around 5 feet they are a bit skiddish and have tried to bite me more then once ones gotten me really good and didn't let go for about 5 minutes it was very bloody but it doesn't hurt that bad. I also have a green tree python just very small but extremely friendly which is very odd for that species I have two bearded dragons right now again very friendly. I have a ball python again never bit tin me ever, I have a Brazilian rainbow boa again super friendly, I have an Asian water monitor extremely aggressive but its just small, I have a Savannah monitor she very friendly was very aggressive when she was smaller. I have about 6 corn snakes there always good to keep, and bout 6 leopard geckos again there very docile and 18 Kendell's rock geckos some pet store gave them to me and 6 petre sand dune geckos there very small, 2 fishers chameleons they just sit in there tank I only take them out for cleaning because chameleons are easily stressed, also a black and white tegu great animal and two snieder skinks about the friendliest lizard ever he he and that's about it I think lol I feel reptiles are very fun and enjoyable to keep but also extremely expensive ohh and I keep them all in aquarium type tanks seperatly housed the chameleons have a chameleon tannk which is just with lots of screening for airflow and they all under tank heaters as well as ceramic heat emmiters and Uva and Uvb flouresent tubes and have tons of maintenance.. I'm only 20 years old and I feel my collection is not even close to completed yet....
2006-11-07 06:19:36
answer #1
answered by Tanner H 2
I love my babies. Cleopatra is a bearded dragon with a bit of an attitude. Marc Anthony (Uromastx) was a rescue that moved in when Cleopatra was 2 years old. She was extremely jealous. She was potty trained until he moved in. It took almost a year to re potty train. Now she just gets angry if he is fed first. Marc Anthony was almost dead when I got him but he is just so lovable and sweet. I have 2 kids 11 and 9. They play with Marc the most. About a year and a half ago we took in 2 iguanas. They have been the most work because they too were rescues. I let them out of their cage when kids are not home. Never know what a kid might do. The other two have play pens they play in because if they get out of my sight I am afraid they might get lost. My 11 year old has an albino corn snake, Jack. He is kept in a seperate room in a tank because the 9 year old is still a little scared of snakes. I would rather not cage the animals but since we have different breeds and I cannot predict what they or my kids might do they are caged. However, we go for walks on their leashes and the iguanas get to roam the house when everyone else is gone. I had a dog years ago but I feel I have grown much more attached to my reptiles. They each have their own personalities and needs. I won't purchase from pet stores anymore because I feel there are so many reptiles that need a rescue home. Taking in a rescue pet can get costly so if you aren't interested in that scope out a few pet stores before purchasing. As for caging the little gut it depends on your environment.
2006-11-07 18:10:42
answer #2
answered by thoward444t 2
I love reptiles, something about their individuality really fascinates me. I have an iguana named Louie. He's four years old, six feet from head to tail and weighs in at about 17 pounds. He's the best pet I've ever had. He loves baby talk and going on walks. About once a week I'll take a stroll around the block with him on my shoulder. He loves it. He's also very intelligent, he understands words like his name, food, and walk. I trained him to not bite or whip his tail, he's also potty trained and will only go in his water container. I live in Southern California, so 9 months out of the year he is outside in the cage I built for him. It is 8 feet by 8 feet by 4 feet. It has a door on it and shelves going around the top. He's my boy and I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't around.
2006-11-07 10:05:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Before I married my husband (who has issues with snakes), I had 5 high color bearded dragons, I raised them from babies, I kept them in a very large glass tank and they were very happy. I also had a 5 ft columbian red tailed boa, I had a friend of mine custome make a cage for her so I could have it on wheels (easier to move when I was cleaning), it was a large wooden cage with a wire mesh on the front part, her name was Rosie and she was my favorite! I could place her around my neck and walk around the block with her, she would not squirm or try to squeeze me. I have a 9 year old son who would also handle her, she was the most mellow and gentle reptile I've ever had. I have found when I was raising snakes that the more they are handled, the more they get used to human touch and mellow out. When a snake, or any reptile for that matter aren't handled frequently, they are not used to it and try to fight it or bite at you.
2006-11-08 02:31:41
answer #4
answered by mercymarie3 3
i have a very young corn snake that lives in a 20 gallon tank with a screen lid. It (we don't know the sex yet)is a sweet little thing, and seems to enjoy being held, but if things get too busy , it gets a little jerky in it's movements, and so it goes back into it's hab, usually into it's hiding spot. I have a large hide, half on the heater half off. there is a water bowl more than big enough for the snake to soak in. Substrate it can burrow into. So far so good, but we just got it this week.
We are going to be getting a bearded dragon for my son in the spring. They are seasonal breeders, so the ones available now are quite large, and we want to get a small one and raise it. They also seem to like being held. Some of them have quite a bit of personality. Fairly easy to care for. If we weren't moving soon, we would've gotten one before now.
2006-11-07 18:05:45
answer #5
answered by ntm 4
I have a green water dragon. I've had her for 2 years. She spends most of her time in a cage we built for her. When I get a chance and the cats aren't around I let her out. She loves too sit on a stand in front of the window and bask in the sun. I think she is a wonderful pet. She likes to be held and has only whipped me with her tail once, when I was putting her back in her cage and she wasn't ready yet.
2006-11-07 09:06:22
answer #6
answered by trickie 2
I have had an iguana and a snake, the iguana got to big for his cage, so he roamed the house free, the snake stayed in his cage most of the time we would let him out sometimes, and we fed him in a seperate thing than his cage. My iguana was very aggressive and mean, he protected the house better than my pit bull who was very scared of him. LOL People like reptiles for different reasons.
2006-11-07 06:07:52
answer #7
answered by givelife 3
I have three snakes (and one on the way). The Kingsnake, Elvis, is in a large aquarium that I change out completely every few weeks so he can explore "new habitat". The corns, Boo and Scarlett, are still in a small tank (they are babies). Each one is very different-Elvis has always been confident and friendly, Scarlett is very laid back-at first I thought she was ill but she's just that way, and Boo is very spooky but will settle down after you hold him a bit. I like that they are very interesting, yet very easy to keep and clean up after. Their tanks are in my living room and they are a decorator item as well-but first and foremost they are well loved pets with their own individual charactaristics.
2006-11-07 11:44:07
answer #8
answered by hoodoowoman 4
I have 3 iguanas (8 yrs old and 5 feet long, 4 years old and 4 feet long, 6 months old and 9 inches long (no tail)) and 2 bearded dragons (7 years old and 1 1/2 feet long, 4 mo. old, don't know length). All of the iguanas have cages, but the oldest one, Ig Monster, free roams during the day; and goes into her cage to sleep. None of our reptiles are agressive. I love our iguanas, because they are rescues, they had tough lives before we got them, and i enjoy rehabing them and nursing them back to health. All of our lizards are held and touched daily, they all like it. Our largest ig is touchie, she doesnt like her head or tail touched, but she loves being pet on her sides.
The beardies have their own habitats too, they come out to be held, and to get baths.
2006-11-07 09:26:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I have a box turtle named Speedy and a leopard gecko named Diddy(Don't ask...).Diddy is usually pretty calm,I adopted him from my school about a month ago.He eats 6 crickets,3 times a week,and Speedy gets 10 crickets once a week.Speedy is really nervous,if I move too fast for him he hisses at me,but Diddy likes being taken out.I take them both out once every couple of days,and that's enough for them.I like reptiles,they're pretty cool,but I like lots of other animals too =)
2006-11-07 09:24:59
answer #10
answered by Lindsey 3