Parallel universes exist, no doubt about that. You can check NewScientist articles on the subject. Some where in one of the mags I have read that a similar you and me has to exist at 10 power 10 power 123 metres because all the permutations and combinations would be over and it has to duplicate.
2006-11-07 01:25:27
answer #1
answered by taknev 3
Makes more sense than the idea of an invisible god, heaven, virgin births, talking snakes, burning bushes, etc.
Science is saying that many paralell universes may exist. Spiritualists are claiming that "we" don't die, only the body dies. "We" merely return to a higher vibrational energy level ( much like electrons in an atom kicking from an s to a p level. The higher speed vibration or frequency prevents contact with them after they pass...hence the need for slows down the vibration enough to allow them to appear on our plane or dimension. Funny?...think about the high-speed "rods" that only be seen after the high-speed film is slowed way down. Adds a whole new meaning to "GOD is light" doesn't it?
Transcommunication is the term used for reaching the departed with radio and tv. Do a google search for EVP, Klaus Schrieber, transcommunication and do a bit of reading before you respond. I am a former minister (pentecostal) and don't need the religious drivel. I am investigating everything anew and am only sharing what I have read recently and can provide links if requested. I have no actual beliefs except that organized religion is flat wrong. I will not defend any of the above, it is not my own, just stuff I read over the past few days and am sharing to make you think. I am starting experiments of my own, like Mr. Schrieber, to produce images and voices "from beyond ". I was amazed to see so many famous people have been doing this, thought I would like to have first-hand knowledge and not depend on someone else, like a minister, to interpret everything for me.
2006-11-07 02:31:30
answer #2
answered by Megame 1
Not nearly enough evidence to decide. I don't just believe things because it's fun too. I make decisions on something's factual basis based on evidence. The more outlandish the possibility, the more evidence is needed.
I don't discount that there could be parallel universes, universes in a parallel dimensional plane, but to assume so with zero evidence is no better than believing in Santa Claus or Zeus.
BTW, there is zero compelling evidence that people have disappeared into thin air. If there were, then any other theory as to what happened would be just as valid, since there is no evidence to where they would have gone.
2006-11-07 01:23:48
answer #3
answered by Radagast97 6
As the previous answer says, science is looking very much into other dimensions. There is a current theory called brane theory which accepts parallel dimensions and if a parallel dimension collides with another it creates a Big Bang. Also string theory is looking into the idea that there are between 6 and 11 other dimensions curled into the end of a string.
For me, I firmly believe in other dimensions existing outside time. It is also possible that part of us inhabits other dimensions alongside our own.
If your interested, I would recommend a little book called "Flatland" it was written about a hundred years ago, but makes interesting reading.
2006-11-07 01:35:01
answer #4
answered by voodoobluesman 5
"where do they go?"?
Who knows!
Maybe there is a parallel universe.
Maybe there's life on another planet.
Maybe the earth really is more than a few thousand years old.
The BIG question in life is "if"..the middle word within the word "life".
"What if?"...a question that is the essence of human beings.
We have the capacity to dream beyond the realm of the real.
So, why not believe in the possibility that there is something else out there? assume that we're all there is, would be selfish at best.
2006-11-07 01:24:13
answer #5
answered by docscholl 6
The unanswered question that we are all searching for yet cannot comprehend in case it turns out to be true, I really hope there is others & eventually many,many years from now, it would be nice to pop back & see whether anything else new had cropped up,but, can you imagine what the world would be like if the unanswered question was answered?
2006-11-07 01:27:55
answer #6
answered by edison 5
I would agree that there are 2 planes of existence one is what we are experiencing now and the other happens after we die.
I believe that we wake up from death in a different universe with the same things that we have here
2006-11-07 07:31:39
answer #7
answered by Cherry Berry 5
There are hundreds of them. It's just that once through one of the connecting "portals" ( a sort of grey misty patch that appears briefly and randomly at various points) it's impossible to get back. I was lucky to end up on a planet capable of supporting my life form and thanks to self-performed plastic surgery have managed to become integrated into your society. I am currently working on cloning myself and expect to take over your world within a few more centuries. Resistance is futile!
2006-11-07 04:30:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Read up a bit on quantum physics. Even science is starting to take the idea quite seriously because of what weird little particles do--things unexplainable and impossible by our established laws of physics...
2006-11-07 01:53:42
answer #9
answered by angk 6
I really believe that our world is like a ball bearing in an engine: it constantly touches other ball bearings at different points. That is how I view the universe, we are but one version of our own reality.
2006-11-07 04:18:53
answer #10
answered by swarr2001 5