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2 answers

Molarity is moles of oxalic acid, H2C2O4, in 1 L. It has units of moles H2C2O4/1 L. So that is what the answer will look like. The 0.063g H2C2O4 is something that can be turned into moles. So begin with (0.0623g H2C2O4/250ml). Multiply by (1 mole H2C2O4/90g H2C2O4). The g H2C2O4 cancel, and you get moles H2C2O4/1 mL. Next multiply by (1000ml/1 L). The mLs cancel, and you have moles H2C2O4/1 L, which is the answer.

2006-11-07 01:37:53 · answer #1 · answered by steve_geo1 7 · 0 0

the molecular formula of oxalic acid is (COOH)2.2H20 and so, its molecular mass is 126. Molarity =moles/volume of sol in litres..
0.063/126*1/0.25= 0.002 Molarity
hope its right ;)

2006-11-07 09:45:19 · answer #2 · answered by ana 2 · 0 0

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