devil means ''the evil''. god is the supreme being, the unseen force that exists, the force that created the moon, sun, light and darkness and they all walk in harmony. he is the one who laid the foundation of the earth. devil '' the evil'' is not the opposite of god as some people believe. that god exists does not neccessarily mean the devil ''the evil'' should exist. the devil exists because he chose to exist. the devil was not created to be devil. remember we are made to choose what we like. he misused used that priviledge and now he is evil. if you decide now to rape, it is your choice and nobody forces you to.
2006-11-07 01:14:32
answer #1
answered by favourprosperity 2
Well, I agree that there must be a balance to the Earth; if there is a God, a powerful entity of love and joy and majesty, then there must also be an entity of pure evil and darkness and torment. That is balance, you see. If there was only good in the world, then evil and badness may not exist; but then again what would we have to compare goodness with, if all the darkness was gone from this world? The Devil may not be one sole being, but a concept or image we all have in our minds when we try to visualize someone or something solely comprised of evil and darkness eternal. The Devil is an excuse we use to conceal and hide our own faults and our own evil and darkness; the Devil is Temptation and Darkness and Evil. Thus, the Devil probably exists within each and every one of us. He lives through us. But I don't think that the Devil is a red guy with horns and a forked tail; that is a mere concept and an image we have of evil and darkness, when the image we see originates from our desires. We may actually be seeing ourselves; a mirror image, then contorting and manipulating that image because we are afraid to face the truth about the nature of humanity.
2006-11-07 00:13:22
answer #2
answered by Display Name 3
I agree that they both exist. The Devil does not exist because God does; you make it sound like it wud be the only for creation/nature to be balanced. Remember, Devil and Satan means 'Adversary and Slanderer'. Actually im not sure..but the point is the Devil exists coz he chose to turn against the Creator.
Not because God was looking for a challenge or sth of that sort.
Mystixx...says sth about choosing to create things; bear in mind that the Bible mentions that he was pleased with his work. Also, every living thing on earth and heaven had (still does) have freedom of choice. Remember the angels that chose materialise into humans so that they could marry earthling (girls)? They chose to side with the Devil. Were created for that? I doubt. Your question needs more elaboration...
2006-11-07 00:10:23
answer #3
answered by Thabi 2
If you are going to go for a good/evil dichotomy then you have answered your own question.
If, however, you are going to go with the standard view of the Judeo-Christian god most people in the US consider God, then no, they are not mutually dependent. The reason for this is that to be the "yin and yang" they have to be exactly opposite and equal in everything. Last I heard Satan wasn't considered equal to God, and if fact got in trouble because that's what he wanted to be.
So if you are going to use the Bible as a description of God, then Satan isn't necessary. If, instead, you are trying to describe the good/evil relationship we all feel is pertinent to our lives, then satan probably is.
I would also caution you though, in falling into the trap of believing that without bad you cannot have good. This is a logical fallacy that really should have no bearing on the question at hand, but when a discussion of good vs. evil comes up, this point will enevitably arise. It is an example of the either-or fallacy (also called the black or white fallacy, or the false dilemma fallacy).
2006-11-07 00:14:43
answer #4
answered by Chris A 3
Indeed. Both are existing for long time and I can say that will be everlasting until no more human being. God and devil actually in Human's mind from beginning. Good and bad, god or devil are a standpoint of view. You think; according to your knowledge, experiences, education and concept; this is right or wrong; holly or devil; some body may not agree.
2006-11-07 00:04:06
answer #5
answered by johnkamfailee 5
Yes, both God and the devil exist. My personal belief is that the devil was created by God as an angel, who was free, and as a free agent chose to oppose the plan of God. The devil is a fallen angel.
Satan is not evil by nature, but by will and action. In Satan there is no truth at all; he is absolute lies and deception. Satan is not just a deprivation of good, but a positive force with free will that always chooses evil. The devil constantly employs every method of deception to enslave man to satanic forces and causes rebellion against God. He is the cause of corruption and disorder, a parasitic power in the world that will ultimately be destroyed by the power of God in the last days.
Again, that is my personal belief.
2006-11-07 00:14:52
answer #6
answered by DetroitBrat 3
If you were to create your own religion or belief system, you could create it with no devil. So the devil does not have to exist. But with out a devil or at least some kind of evil entity in your belief system, who would you blame all the atrocities on? Or in the case that nothing evil ever occurs to you, then having "Good" without "Evil" means "Good" itself is negligible. You would having nothing to contrast Good with, and your God would no longer be able to be defined as Good. Also note, that until your religion gains enough members, it would be defined as a cult. And people may be reluctant to join as cults have a bad habit of committing mass suicide just because a comet rolled by.
2006-11-07 00:14:34
answer #7
answered by ginnsu 2
God is a concept or an idea created by a multitude of people percieving the same thing to be true, luckily for this little lot they have a magical guide book... ie the bible. So I guess if your gonna believe in the Christian God, then yeah, the devil should exist too.... he does afterall play a role in the guidebook :)
2006-11-07 00:12:06
answer #8
answered by onthebus2002 1
God does not NEED the devil. The devil, like man was created by God with a choice or will and he just chose to be a certain way; his existence is of no consequence to God. His existence is of consequence to himself through what he does to himself and others.
To equate the devil with God is faulty. If you do that, then you might as well equate man with God as well, which is not logical. You can never equate the creator with the created. It's like equating a car to the man that invented it.
The devil is the opposite of MAN, not God; most people fall into the mistake of equating him with God or opposing him to God which is illogical. The devil is a BEING that's tested just as Adam is and both made their own choices. The devil SEEMS more powerful than man, but like man, he is attached to this universe and is governed by his own choices. Just because he is of a higher vibration than Man and through that nature can perform acts that man can not is not the same as being AS powerful as God.
To make a long story short, he is not the opposite of God, since he is not equated to God in ability or form...but he IS comparative to man and both are governed by their capacities for choice and will.
2006-11-07 08:07:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I would lean toward it is not certain, inless God actually made Satan to punish the sinful. I don't read the Bible, so I cannot quote a special line that answers it, but If God exists, I would assume he made the chose to create the devil or not.
2006-11-06 23:58:11
answer #10
answered by Mystixx Krys 1