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Is it like the stone cutter society in the simpsons?

2006-11-06 23:31:42 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

21 answers

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

Freemasons are a fraternity "men only" There is also a female version called the Eastern Star. They have three appendent bodies the York Rite, Scottish Rite, and Shriners. Masons raise money for charity providing millions of dollars a day to various charities and it costs about 8 million a day to run a Shriners hospital where a child is treated at no charge. A society of secrets rather than a secret society all our rituals are plastered all over the Internet. But our grips,keys, and tokens are kept as secret as possible in the information age. Another words dont belive all you read on the internet!

There are many celebrties past and presesent Harry Houdini, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart his music is written in masonic key.
Presently Michael A. Richards Kramer from Seinfeld

2006-11-07 22:46:22 · answer #1 · answered by Dan 4 · 1 3

I am a Master Mason. This will answer about half of your question. I've been too busy lately with class and work to keep up with celebrities.

What are Masons?
A group (fraternity) of men who enjoy sharing the virtues of honesty, morality, integrity, and tolerance.
What do Masons do?
Masons contribute, not necessarily monetarily, but by living their lives in such a manner that the world is better just because they live in it.
What do you get out of Masonry?
Most men get the realization that it is not necessary to receive something tangible for every good act or deed performed.
Is Masonry a Religion?
NO! To become a Mason a man must profess a belief in God. However, Masonry is not a religion, a substitute for, or a rival of any doctrine. Masonry does not perform functions of a church, has no sacraments, and makes no claim to save souls or reform sinners.
How do you join?
You must ask a Master Mason and he in turn will be happy to guide you, and more pertinent information will be provided.

I read this on the back cover of "The Texas Mason" magazine a couple of weeks ago. Thought it might help

2006-11-10 17:46:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

A free mason is a man that has joined a fraternal group (the Free Masons) that promotes community activities for the better of society in general. I guess you could liken it to the stone cutters on the simpsons. The Masons have several other groups under their umbrella ie: Eastern Star (for the women) Demolay (for sons & male relatives of Masons) and Jobs Daughters (for daughters & female relatives) My father was a life long Mason and I remember very good times to be had at his lodge functions. As far as celebrities that are Masons, they usually prefer not to advertise the fact they are, be it a regular member or a celebrity. As the Masons say, to be one, you have to ask one. Hope this somewhat answers your question.

2006-11-06 23:39:56 · answer #3 · answered by beeotch 3 · 3 1

In someways the stone cutters were a parody of the free masons
My father was a worshipol master in the masons which was a rank he aquired by being in the masons for 20 years, he never spoke much about it to us as they are sworn to secrecy over certain things..

....but it did get him things that people couldnt like being let off a speeding fine because the policeman knew him and he was also offered a better school for me, but I wanted to go to the one that had been chosen for me.

They would raise money for charities etc but I allways thought it was a dodgy outfit with all the high powered people in local goverment etc in it.

2006-11-07 01:43:42 · answer #4 · answered by The Exorcist 3 · 0 1

Just would like to clear up a few common misunderstandings if I might.

It is NOT a secret society - in fact Freemasons are being reminded by Grand Lodge that questions should be answered openly from people who are genuinely interested. Yes there ARE a few secrets but frankly they are like your PIN number, secret and personal - but dull as dishwater. Anyone joining freemasonry to "find out the secrets" would be sorely disappointed.

It is open to ALL faiths - the only condition is that you must have a belief in SOME form of supreme being. Other than that, religion is not only an issue - it is one of the things that members are expressly asked NOT to discuss in Lodge - as religion and politics divide more men than join them.

As for celebs, it is for them to decide if they wish to make their membership public. Being a member of freemasonry does not mean you have to declare your membership to people if you would rather not. Having said that, Actor and ex President Reagan joined the craft but after going through the first degree decided it was not for him and did not continue further.

As for the stonecutters parody, yes there are a couple of similarities, there are certain "handshakes" we use - though only one regularly used, there are passwords and other signs. LOL we even have a song or two one of which is often sung at the initiation of a new fellow. (An entered Apprentice)

The position WM - Worshipful master, is "the top of the tree" in the local lodge but it is not at all unusual to have VERY senior members of the Craft (aka brotherhood / fraternity / "the Masons") occupying lower positions in the lodge. this is especially the case if there are no enough new initiates coming in - and folks tend to "go around the positions again".

There are several offices within the lodge - and one outside - called the Tyler. It is his job to keep folks out who have no business within the lodge.

On the inside of the door is the "inner guard" who also ensures that the door remains closed while the lodge is in session.

You then have senior and junior deacons, - who perform various duties within the lodge - including helping the WM carry out various initiation duties etc.

There are also the junior and senior Wardens, who sit around halfway down the room to the left and right of the WM. Again they assist the WM in the running of the lodge and may be called on to assist in various rituals.

There is also the secretary and the IPM (Immediate past master), who is the fellow who sat int he chair last year!

ALL this information is freely avaiable to people with an interest in the subject - and plenty more besides including pictures showing the layout of the lodge - with the special chequerboard carpet.

I hope this provides a little interests to folks who may have a genuine interest.

2006-11-10 10:13:39 · answer #5 · answered by Mark T 6 · 1 0

Check the link for the biggest list of known famous masons past and present

2006-11-09 22:37:45 · answer #6 · answered by Labatt113 4 · 0 0

The mission of Freemasonry is to promote a way of life that binds like minded men into a worldwide Brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences; by teaching the great principles of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth: and, by the outward expression of these, through its fellowship, its compassion and its concern, to find ways in which each may serve his God, his family, his country, his neighbors and himself."

2006-11-08 01:02:32 · answer #7 · answered by senthil r 5 · 0 0

Well, the Simpson's Stonecutters are certainly a parody of the Freemasons. The Duke of Edinburgh, (Queen's husband) I think, is the head of the Freemasons in the UK. It's a boys' club, so you'll need to get a bloke to tell you more about it. I'll be interested to see what replies you get.

2006-11-06 23:36:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

As far as I know they are a secret society.
They have their own hand shake and some really silly signs and signals they use to recognise each other.
A lot of British judges are masons..enough said.

2006-11-06 23:47:54 · answer #9 · answered by David 4 · 0 2

Freemasonry is the oldest and largest world wide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. Although of a religious nature, Freemasonry is not a religion. It urges its members, however, to be faithful and devoted to their own religious

2006-11-06 23:42:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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