yes i believe it is ok. but don't put orajel or anbesol on their gums. it will harden them and make it harder for her teeth to come in.
2006-11-06 12:51:22
answer #1
answered by Lauren *Trins Ma* 2
Tylenol has helped my daughter through her teething so much!! I try everything else first because I prefer not to use medication unless necessary, but when she was getting all four top teeth at once, she had such a hard time, and the tylenol really helped with the pain. She was much happier. Other things she really liked were frozen fruit, pretzel rods, and teething rings. She is getting her top molars now (shes 13 mths now) and I use the same things. Her teeth hurt her really bad in the evenings, so I give her tylenol before dinner so that she can eat better.
2006-11-06 15:02:34
answer #2
answered by Jillian S 1
My daughter had the same problem. She had eight teeth coming in at one time. I would give ibphrophen about 1/2 hour before bed when I knew they were really bothering her. This allowed her to atleast get some sleep without pain. Then in the day I would give her half dose of tylenol when I really needed to before her nap. I don't know if you ever had your wisdom teeth out but I did a couple of years ago and believe me if teeth coming in hurts as much as teeth moving no wonder infants are so miserable when they are teething. Hope this helps.
2006-11-06 13:25:34
answer #3
answered by ivyangel040677 1
It's definitely fine to give her tylenol! I don't think I could've lived through the teething stage without it. It really does help! Sometimes they develop a fever when they're teething, so it also helps with that! Pick up some infant tylenol and give her about half of the dropper. Good luck! I know how hard it is when they are teething, but it doesn't last long.
2006-11-06 13:18:23
answer #4
answered by Megan 4
Tylenol is safe when given in the correct dose. The dose depends on your infants weight. You can call the doctor's office and they should be able to tell you how much and how often you can give baby tylenol or baby motrin.
My son is 10 months and he has 4 top teeth coming in. I usually reserve the tylenol or baby motrin for night time or if he is really fussy during the day.
Some things that I do before I give tylenol are:
I hold ice and let him suck on it and also freeze washcloths if he seems like his teeth are hurting him. I also let him chew on soft rubber spoons. Cold fruit, like watermelon, canteloupe, or honey dew melon also works wonders.
Hang in there and good luck!
2006-11-06 13:35:37
answer #5
answered by jns 4
Yes baby Tylenol or baby Motrin, my daughter had multiple teeth coming in at once also and was miserable. We would give it to her before bed at night and also before nap so that she wasn't waking up due to the teething pain. Otherwise during the day we were trying teething toys, nuks and baby orajel to ease her pain.
2006-11-06 14:37:44
answer #6
answered by Michelle 4
Tylenol and Motrin are fine. Just remember that you can't give Motrin and Tylenol at the same time...Also fevers have NOTHING to do with teething. If she's running a fever she has something else going on.
2006-11-06 13:39:26
answer #7
answered by doom92556 4
infant's tylenol: give her 0.8 ml
I have the same problem and the doc reccomend that amount (ask to make sure if it's OK for your daughter)
we also use this :Humphrey's 100% natural
A homeopathic preparation for teething in infants
because she would wake up in the middle of the night EVERY HOUR and that was suggested by my sister-in-law and I only used it for 2 days (3 pellets only!, but used them before she went to bed) and she's been much better. She's sleeping through the night and not so crabby in the day.
2006-11-06 12:55:55
answer #8
answered by bbrose85 2
Giving infants Baby Tylenol is TOTALLY normal. That's what they are there for. Just make sure you dose teh right amount according to your baby's weight. I've given my daughter (now 9 months) Tylenol since she was 3 months old.
2006-11-06 13:10:06
answer #9
answered by MICHELLE S 1
You didn't say why you feel opposed to giving your baby Tylenol. I think it works better over a few hours than ice or frozen vegetables or whatever, and when my kids are so miserable from pain that they can't sleep and they just cry, I would do nearly anything to make them feel better. Mine never took to Oragel, but they were willing to suck down the infant Tylenol. Good luck, whatever you decide to do!
2006-11-06 13:04:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I don't think there's anything wrong with using the min amount to ease her pain. My daugther also had several teeth erupt at once-- by just giving her a small amount I notice a huge difference in her comfort level.
2006-11-06 13:10:49
answer #11
answered by tessie 2