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Bettas are the Siamese Fighting Fish

2006-11-06 12:14:20 · 11 answers · asked by Miss Louise 1 in Pets Fish

11 answers

Hmm, I'm trying to think back to when I was breeding them...

I know that there are a number of fish that you can keep beta fish with. I had a friend who kept them with her guppies (but not a fancy one, if it has too big of a tail it'll think it's another beta fish).
The key is that the other fish can't be aggressive, and they should be able to withstand warmer waters since Beta are tropical fish. From what I can remember they're actually kind of friendly and protective of the other fish in the tank.

You can *not* put two males together unless you have a *very* large tank, and even then it's risky. Similarly I wouldn't suggest putting a male and a female unless your intent is to breed, since males can be very rough to the females during mating...

Ahh here we go:
"Bettas may be kept in a community tank as long as the water conditions are met, and if no aggressive or fin-nipping fish are present. However, only one male may be kept in each aquarium, unless they are separated by a barrier."[1]

"Common tankmates include mollies, catfish, or loaches. However, care should be taken when choosing tankmates, as certain species of fish attack the long fins of the male betta. The key is that the respective species is not aggressive and will not spurn a betta's aggression as well as thriving in similar set-ups. For instance, apple snails should not be kept with bettas because the water condition will cause the deterioration of a snail's shell and snails are sometimes known to latch onto a betta's fins causing damage." [2]

2006-11-06 12:34:49 · answer #1 · answered by Paraka 2 · 1 1

Actually bettas are mostly agressive towards other bettas. Despite what people say, you can put a male and a female together if they are in a large enough enviroment with other fish and a filter and light will not hurt them. Females can be put together, three to a gallon, but they might be too agressive. If you are trying an aquarium, basically any fish that doesn't resemble a betta (bright color, long fins ETC). Males can be housed with females in aquariums. You can also put 2 females to every male in an aquarium. Just make sure it is large. A ten gallon should only have a male and a female or 2-5 females.

www.sarahs-fish-obsession.piczo.com. for more info on bettas and check the links for more in-depth informaton.

2006-11-06 12:28:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I wish I knew who started that crap about bettas killing everything in the tank. That is so stupid! They are actually not agressive at all. There are many fish that are compatible with bettas. Neons, white clouds, black neons, cardinals, zebra danios are all good and so are guppies. I assume you have an aquarium with a filter and a heater. Bettas are tropical fish and need temps of 76-82 degrees. Keeping them at colder temps or fluctuating temps will compromise their immune systems and eventually they will die from some opportunistic infection.

In the wild, bettas live for 5 years or longer. The way most people keep them, they are lucky to last a year.

The male bettas only attack other male bettas or fish with long flowing fins that look similar to bettas (goldfish, for ex.). Do not put a female in with the male, he will kill her too. The only time he will tolerate a female is when she is in condition to spawn and has eggs to give him. Even then you have to remove her as soon as they are done with the spawning.

BTW, they are called Siamese fighting fish because they were originally discovered in Siam (now called Thailand), a southeast Asian country with very warm temps.

2006-11-06 12:29:11 · answer #3 · answered by 8 In the corner 6 · 4 0

Really depends on the personality of the fish. I've been lucky and been able to keep some males in community tanks. You'll want to keep them away from gouramis(I've heard it's 50/50 on these, something to do with them being related-labrynth fish) and any fan tail fish like a guppy. You can try something, just keep an eye out for fighting. Make sure it's a large enough tank(not a bowl and nothing under 10 gallons-that would be a minimum) though too, that'll help avoid aggression.

2006-11-06 12:24:00 · answer #4 · answered by tikitiki 7 · 0 0

Bettas would be with different fish in the event that they do no longer resemble yet another betta and adult males can't be placed with adult males. It additionally relies upon on the fishes character too because of the fact some would be aggressive and a few would be laid returned. I easily have a male betta in with a million to 2 inch bala sharks and a 4 inch rainbow shark and that all of them get alongside high-quality.

2016-10-21 09:36:57 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

None. Bettas are extremely aggressive, territorial fish. They'd fight other Bettas, other long finned fish, and other fish in general. I even heard of a Betta killing a pet lobster. Just keep your Betta alone in his tank and he'd be happy.

2006-11-08 20:39:17 · answer #6 · answered by aquamike 3 · 0 1

Bettas can be with mostly any fish that

1.) Is tropical
2.) DOES NOT have long fins
3.) Is not to frisky or aggressive
4.) Is around the size of the betta
5.) That isn't another betta

2006-11-06 12:30:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

you can put them with many fish, you just have to be careful. I work at a pet store, and customers come in that have 3 or 4 females and one male in a 10 gallon, and I also have customers who have a male betta in with a community tank. the goal is to not put them in with other long finned fish, they have a tendency to pick at them. also, put plenty of hiding places in for your other fish, and keep an eye on them, if you see your betta being agressive to the other fish, you might want to take him out.

2006-11-06 13:06:13 · answer #8 · answered by stilettopanda 4 · 0 2

well, not rreally any i had to betta fish in separt glasses next 2 eachother and there eyes would puff up and they would strat trying to eat eachother. weird huh.. well i would just get separt glasses like i did but you can get any, even a goldfish they're cute. how long did ur last betta live miine was 4 61/2 years wow!!!


2006-11-06 12:21:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

None. Unless you have a male anf female and and only that. They are killer fish and are instincted to kill tresspassers. You may be able to keep two female betas but it is risky.

2006-11-06 12:18:40 · answer #10 · answered by Sadie 2 · 0 4

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