Actually, Blue Nile is perhaps the most competitively priced diamond jewelry sites on the internet, and is the #1 seller online. I run a free marriage proposal ideas website at, which also has a huge free diamond searching service on it (we search dozens of the top diamond jewelry stores for the cheapest prices on high quality diamonds).
With our searches, from my experience, Blue Nile is quite often at the top. The key with any jewelry site is to know what you are buying ahead of time. Blue Nile has GIA certified diamonds, which is the best grading institute out there. Other sites offer uncertified diamonds or diamonds certified by other institutes with lower standards (so you are actually buying a crappier diamond than what it appears).
If you compare an independent GIA certified diamond across several sites, Blue Nile will always stand out as one of the cheapest if not the cheapest. Other jewelry sites often try to trick you by offering uncertified or poorly certified diamonds, so be careful.
But take it from my experience -- Blue Nile is great. If you need any free assistance, feel free to visit my site or e-mail me at (we don't sell any diamonds ourselves and just do free searches).
I even have several exclusive deals setup through several sites (including Blue Nile) to save you even more money, which I'd be happy provide you.
Take care,
2006-11-09 23:52:23
answer #2
answered by brian1572000 1
You could find worse places... their customer service is decent, but Blue Nile drop ships diamonds that they don't actually own, so you don't know much about them until you get them. I'd recommend checking our or as they can ussually refer you to some better deals. Good Luck and hopefully an early congrats!
2006-11-06 19:23:56
answer #3
answered by James C 2
No there are other online diamond brokers that offer a wider selection and better pricing is one
shoot me an email if you need any help
2006-11-06 19:21:55
answer #4
answered by Mike 6