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the transmittance was 78.9 and the absorbance was .103. what are the units for both of them?? and if you have a site that tells that'd be great too!

2006-11-06 10:25:39 · 2 answers · asked by pinkflahippo16 2 in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

2 answers


Where A is absorbance (no units, since A = log10 P0 / P )

e is the molar absorbtivity with units of L mol-1 cm-1,

b is the path length of the sample - that is, the path length of the cuvette in which the sample is contained. We will express this measurement in centimetres.cm

c is the concentration of the compound in solution, expressed in mol L-1

Now, you know why there is no unit for "A".

2006-11-06 10:48:08 · answer #1 · answered by Goldista 6 · 0 0

transmittance is on a percentage scale (0-100) and absorbance in optical density units (measured from 0 to 2)

2006-11-06 10:32:31 · answer #2 · answered by bentoro2001 1 · 0 0

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