I'll bite.
First off - are you implying that ONLY Democrats are using attack ads & smear tactics??? Political attacks are as old as politics....if you can't see that your own side uses the same techniques - then you are a blind man.
1) Iraq was a diversion from the War on Terror and - as has been shown via multiple intelligence reports - our invasion into Iraq has actually increased terrorism & international hatred of the U.S. The cons took their eye off the ball. Al Qaeda & other such terrorist networks are as strong as ever & increasing in numbers. More than 5 years post-9/11, bin Laden has not been captured. Our military has been misused. Richard Perle, staunch conservative, Secretary of Defense under Reagan, Chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee from 2001-03, under the Bush Administration, has even said that, knowing what we know now, the invasion into Iraq was a mistake. Democrats/liberals (most of 'em anyway) aren't saying that the War on Terror was a mistake - but the invasion into Iraq was a mistake.....there's a better way of fighting the War on Terror - but neoCons apparently REFUSE to acknowledge the mistake & do anything about it.
2) the unemployment stats are easy to manipulate & abuse. What those stats do NOT show is what KIND of jobs are being created. Bottom line is that manufacturing jobs in the U.S. decline on a daily basis. The working class & middle class are shrinking. Life is great at the very, very, very top.......the rest of us are in debt that we'll never get out of. Replacing a good paying manufacturing job with 2 burger flipping jobs or 2 Wal-Mart jobs will show a decrease in the unemployment rate, but clearly doesn't tell the whole story.
3) Again - prosperous times for who?? If you are insanely rich - then you are even MORE insanely rich than ever before. There is a redistribution of wealth in this country - from the poor & middle class to the rich. The salary differences between the top paid employee and the lowest paid employee in the average company has widened exponentially since the '70's. Here's an analogy.......you're sitting in a bar with 99 other people - where everyone makes $40,000/year. The average salary is, therefore, $40,000/year per person. Now - Bill Gates walks in the bar. I don't know how much Bill Gates makes a year, but, he's a little over 50 years old and apparently worth about $50 billion/year - so let's say Mr. Gates makes about $1 billion/year. So - Bill walks in the bar. There are now 101 people in the bar with an average salary of $9.9 million/year!! Wow!! The economy in that bar is now insanely great, right?? Those are the stats - but clearly - the story has not been told.
4) I'm very glad we haven't had an attack since 9/11 - but that's only ON U.S. SOIL. Terrorist attacks across the world have been out of hand - and although I'm certainly very relieved that no attacks have come here at home....I'm not so selfish as to close my eyes with the violence that has been happening elsewhere. Our presence in Iraq has only escalated the violence. Additionally - keep in mind that we had an attack on the WTC very, very early in the Clinton administration - on February 26, 1993 - slightly more than a month after Clinton took office. There were no other (international) acts of terrorism on U.S. soil until the 9/11 attacks. So - I'm assuming that you are a fair minded person and will admit that the Clinton Administration did its job EQUALLY well when it came to these matters.
5) I think the world would be a better place with Kennedy & Kerry in charge - relative to how the current administration is doing. However - I think there are much, much better choices than them. Neither Kennedy nor Kerry are ever going to be president - and Kerry isn't even up for re-election this year. I think under Democratic leadership - we will tailor the strategy as far as the War on Terror is concerned to the current day reality....which the neoCon leadership seems to want to ignore. Additionally - Democrats have stated over & over again that they will begin to actually implement the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission -- a commission that the current administration fought tooth & nail against.
There - no bashing - intelligently answered.
2006-11-06 08:01:48
answer #1
answered by captain2man 3
Ok here's my attempt. I will answer each question intelligently as long as you actually think about the answers I give.
1. Yes I do think that Bush has done horrible in Iraq and now, because of our aggressive actions the world is more volitile and there are more countries that hate America now than before Bush took office. If we look at the War in Iraq, it is plainly Bush's fault that he isn't taking responsibility for. I believe that if Gore would have won the first election and he was given the faulty intelligence, we would be in a better place because Gore would have worked with other countries and the UN to disarm Saddam. Instead Bush went in there himself, guns ablazing. I do not believe there is a sound solution that will work in Iraq now, but someone has to take responsibility for putting us there. And no, there really isn't anything that Bush can do better than how he is handling N. Korea. HOWEVER, Bush's Iraq debocle has given him no leverage when working with the other world leaders, so it is his fault that there isn't really any solutions with N. Korea. Same goes for Iran.
2. Unemployment Rate. Can't really complain...
3. Economy growing. This is after the economy hit a slump so of course the economy is growing. I just am not sure if we have the Republicans to thank. Besides, with their spending and increased tax cuts, the surpluss that Clinton left has turned into a deficit. And Republicans were supposed to be fiscally conservative...
4. No attacks on American soil. Yes, but using that logic is flawed. I can just say that 9/11 happened during Bush's administration, so therefore, it is a MORE dangerous place. But that is the easy way out. The more thought provoking response would point to the fact that 1. There are more people that hate us now than before (N. Korea and Iran want nuclear technology to defend themselves from us) 2. Iraq is a training ground for terrorists that are busy refining their tacticts against our soldiers.
The administration has been able to deflect some new terrorist attacks, I am sure. But I am not sure that they are diong any better than John Kerry would have.
5. What do you want me to say about this?? I think we would be in a better place. A place where the government wouldn't take away our rights, a place where there would be less corruption, a place where senators wouldn't cover up attempts to sexually abuse pages. Thats the place America would be if Kerry did win in 04.
There are many reasons to vote Democrat this election day, including equal rights and women rights. These are just a few of why the Republicans are not the best for the job.
By the way, how can you call us USA haters?? That seems rather narrowminded especially when we fight for freedoms and the Republicans fight to take them away (Wire tapping, gay marriage, etc.)
2006-11-06 07:59:52
answer #2
answered by Existence 3
Firstly I am not a U.S.A. hater. Thomas Jefferson and the other founding fathers made sure we all had the right to social discourse, including criticism of our current administration. So if you are looking to bait someone into a fight I guess I'm not your guy.
A plan to solve the Iraq problems would be the inclusion of other countries in a true coalition for a limited time to stabilize the country ahead of our withdrawal. I would also work to build a dialog with the poorer nations to help stop the root causes of terrorism, poverty and desperation.
The unemployment rate may be low, but wages as compared to GDP are at an all time low, so more people are working for less pay. I don't understand how that is necessarily a good thing. The low unemployment rate also helps prove that immigrants are not taking all "our" jobs.
Times may be prosperous, but mostly for the wealthiest parts of our population.
Would you say that the bombings in Europe were not attacks? I don't feel people are any safer today than we were on Sept. 10
2006-11-06 07:46:43
answer #3
answered by Flobberworm 1
Let's see-
Attack ads-- Both sides do it. Although it seems R's usually have the opening salvo and degenerate quickly. In AZ, only Napolitano has run a purely positive campaign. Kyl, Hayworth, Pederson, Munsil, etc. all have been pretty nasty in past days.
Iraq- Bush has control over the troops. Even if dems take both houses, they can't control the troops. The solution is to quickly push the Iraqis into taking over and slowly pull out over a few years. We can't stay there forever, and it'll be a mess for decades to come regardless. There were way to many Strategic blunders that have led us to where we are. We need to get folks we really don't like to come to the table and help. Our forces alone are not going to do it.
Unemployment - Is pretty decent but the figures don't report on people who have left the labor market, can't find work, fell off unemployment. Those figures only report jobless claims currently.
The economy is NOT growing at a record pace. The Fed has seen to that and has purposesly slowed GDP growth via Monetary policy (not Bush's doing per se) to control inflation. Don't forget, we were in a recession for a good deal of Bushes presidency. The stock market is not a proxy for the economy. Some of its performance is betting pn future earnings and part of it is reallocation of capital from real estate, energy, fgn stocks and other into large cap stocks. Besides, it is only a little higher than what it was in 2001 when it peaked in the 11,000 area. So we're just now a little higher than 5 years ago.
Terrorist - we have bred more terrorists by going into Iraq and pi$$ing away all the good-will we had after 9/11. Interdiction domestically is pretty decent but who can really tell why we haven't had an attack. Some is certainly due to policy and Afghanistan and focus on terrorist networks around the world. But, again, that is due to intelligence and police work, not the war in Iraq on possibly only partially from Afghanistan.
I'm quite happy with ridding us of Kennedy and Kerry if you R's would gladly rid us of folks like Frist, Hasert and the like. Some of the biggest scumbags you have are already imploding (Foley, "The hammer", Sandorum, etc.)
2006-11-06 08:04:42
answer #4
answered by dapixelator 6
Well you have the patriotic liberals who cherish the Constitution and take note of the recent National Intelligence Estimate that says that the Dumbya Coup has made the USA LESS secure and on the other hand you have the USA haters like Dictator Dumbya, his coup plotters, and his kool-ade drinking Dumbyabots. So I guess with those two DIFFERENT groups combined you have ALL of us. Down with Dictator Dumbya!!!
2006-11-06 07:42:34
answer #5
answered by rhino9joe 5
Thats funny, only a couple people were able to give you an intelligible answer so far.
Smear tactics are on both sides though. Both parties are flushing thier dignity down the toilet for votes.
Plan in Iraq? Doesn't seem to concern people that Dems have none. These are our choices, bad plan vs No plan. Sucks but it is what it is. Dems are getting votes because people hate Bush. Its yet to be proven they have any clue what to do with power once they get it.
2006-11-06 07:40:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The historical guy was once capable to specific his hatred.His time was once coming.His can of worms of hatred for specified people and their faith was once being fed for years ,and eventually did burst. The proper wing extremist must ask themselves..what trauma on this historical guy's beyond bought him to eventually act cowardly.
2016-09-01 08:11:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Those who blame America for the world's problems do not have a solution outside of attack the United States. It is amazing to watch as people have fallen under the murderous grip of communism, fascism, now terrorism.
The United States has been a leader in the fight against each of these threats. Yet many in the free world sympathize with those who oppose America's efforts.
But it's funny, because after the struggle has been won those "Blame America First" lefties will all pretend they were on our side all along.
Think back to Reagan-Mulroney-Thatcher and how so few people criticize the hardline approach against the communists NOW. But boy, back during the 1980's was it another story!!!
2006-11-06 07:34:27
answer #8
answered by Pro-Troop Patriot 1
It never ceases to amaze us people who live in the REAL world, how much hate you righties have towards people, you say how we are going to say this and that, but yet, you do the exact same thing. Practice what you preach.
Why not go and play in your little sand box with your dictator.
2006-11-06 08:01:24
answer #9
answered by Gordie 1
You've asked too many questions - the war, the economy, national security, political personalities. The answers are not so simple that all 4 areas can be discussed in one post. The answers you've been fed may be, but any reasonable discussion of each calls for more than one or two sentences. You say don't bash, but you insult others several times in your long diatribe. Democrat solutions to the war - check the democrats.org site and the senate.gov site for Biden. Also, use yahoo search and enter the key word. Be an independent learner!
2006-11-06 07:34:18
answer #10
answered by Red Herring 4