You need to file for child support and get set up for government assistance. If you don't know how to do these things you need to talk to you guidence counselor at school. He/she can point you in the right direction to get the help you need.
2006-11-06 06:21:26
answer #1
answered by totspotathome 5
Well, I just graduated and I was faced with a baby scare when I was only 16, I started looking into the options...I was determined to have it and take care of it. Giving it up for adoption is an option, though it is a last resort. First of all file for Child will have to go to your local court house for that...The will also make him pay what he owes in back child support, the stuff that he should have given you but didnt. $40 is not enough to buy the right things for a baby!!! WIC is a good thing it will give you foodstamps for your baby...weither it be baby formula or baby food...they will even give you foodstamps for when it starts to eat solid food, when it is a toddler. Also you can try getting on welfare...with you being a single mother than it should be no problem for you...also when or if you choose to move out away from your parents it will help you get an apartment or something...and lets face it, anything will help. Most improtantly stay in school, get a babysitter, and make sure you graduate!
2006-11-06 14:40:37
answer #2
answered by AbsinthexArsenicxLace 1
I was in the same perdicament when I had my daughter Halley. She is almost 4 now and it still isnt easy. My daughter's father through money at me and told me to have an abortion, but obveiosly I didnt. He didnt start coming around till she was 6 months and I put child sapport paper work in. I know its hard and you probley still love him, but beleive me its the best way. I know its hard, but the love you feel for him has to go into your son. If he wants to see him that's good, but dont let him if its not CONSISTANT!! The minute he doesnt show up or pull some crap like that dont allow him to be there. Let the court decide what is best and go with the flow of the whole thing. And get help from the state. And only take what you need adn use it to help you. There are a lot of programs to help you along. Good luck!
2006-11-06 17:35:37
answer #3
answered by Felicia M 1
If you two can't come to an agreement and an amount by yourselves. Or he won't commit to it, and actually do it. Then take him to court. Ask for child support. Then if he doesn't pay, he can go to jail. But at the same time, if you demand child support, he can demand visitation. Having a baby with someone can get ugly when it comes time to taking care of it. Do whatever you feel is right for you. Once you get in the system, it is hard to get out of. I do know it is not right for you to have to handle this burden all by yourself. And he seems to be able to do anything he wants, like nothing has happened to him. He helped get you in this situation. Make him help you through it. Also, with only being 17 and in high school, and not married, I am sure you would qualify for aid/help through your local Job and Family Services Dept. Hope this helps, take time and think through what route is best for you. Good luck...
2006-11-06 14:21:20
answer #4
answered by just_wondering 2
Have you contacted the father?
If he refuses to co-operate you might have to seek legal counsel (visit your local legal aid office) and get a court order to make him pay support - However just because there is a court order doesn't mean he'll pay. They can garnish his wages - but he has to have a job for that to happen...
You might have to apply for social Aid until you are finished school or, you might have to go to school part time and either work more hours or find a higher paying job. I have worked with over 400 teen mothers and ths is ALWAYS a problem. Look in your local newspaper/telephone book to see if there are support groups for teen mothers in your area. You can learn a lot from other girls in the same situation as you.
I am in Canada so I am not sure what is available to you where you live.
I wish you much luck.
2006-11-06 14:19:23
answer #5
answered by family_matters 3
Get set up with the WIC Program ( They will get you set up with government money for food given your financial situation.
Your local Good Will stores are excellent sources for cheap and affordable clothing, as well as many other useful items (ie, strollers, cribs, blankets). Feburary is usually the best month for this, as unwanted Christmas items are coming in.
Child Support is a wonderful way to aid financially, however.. It only works if the other party has the money to begin with, otherwise there is nothing to take.
If possible, ask your family or friends for help. This may mean making arrangements to stay with them, but they will help feed, cloth, and even watch your son.
2006-11-06 15:00:02
answer #6
answered by One of those Deaf-Mutes 1
i really can not help you with these but all i got to say is your lucky to even get that much from him i am 16 years old and i had my first kid when i had just turned 15 my own parents turned me out because i was raped and i would not have an abortion and i kept it and now i have a 17 month old and a 2 month old and i have no clue who my baby boys dad is and my baby girl her dad left me when i was three months pregnant and he in gored me for 2 of those months and we found out when i was one month so i have been raising Gaven and scarlet with only the help of my Friend and i only make 350 every two weeks so you are lucky
2006-11-06 14:31:19
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Sounds like Child support is in Order. Did you say $40.00 um that's not going to workout. Maybe you guys need to sit down and talk to discuss responsibilities you each owe your son. Maybe he needs to get a job if he doesn't already and give you more than $40.00 and don't be afraid to ask for help (assistance if you need it cause it's out there) Good Luck!
2006-11-06 14:18:44
answer #8
answered by ~InEvItAbLe~ 2
Court to get after the father. Put the baby up for adoption is the other. Get help from WIC for food, help from your parents if you can. Welfare, take any help you can get. But court is the only place you gonna be able to go after the dad. Unless you in Northern Virginia, then we can talk about busting knees.
2006-11-06 14:21:52
answer #9
answered by redhotboxsoxfan 6
file for child support. Thats all you can really do. Cant make someone take care of a child they dont want. Also make sure to take advantage of the programs out there. Go to your local social service office they will help you out. GOODLUCK :)
2006-11-06 14:15:26
answer #10
answered by jess_n_flip 4