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This is just a fun question for the mythology fanatics. Please join in the fun!

I'll start- Zeus is comparable to Indra- The rain God, King of Gods.

2006-11-05 21:04:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

7 answers

Here's a list I compiled from memory of Hindu Gods/Goddesses compared to Greek Gods/Goddesses. I'm a mythology fanatic, but unfortunately I'm not nearly as familiar with as many Hindu deities as I am with others (Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, etc).

Brahma or Vishnu or Shiva<--supreme god--> Zeus
Kama <--Gods of (******) love and desire--> Eros
Agni <---Gods of fire--> Hephaestus
Kali <--Goddesss' symbolizing the life, death and rebirth cycles--> Persephone
Indra <--Supreme ruler of the Gods; gods of thunder, the sky and weather; wielded a lightning bolt--> Zeus
Indra <--Gods of war--> Ares
Skanda/Karttikeya <---Gods of war--> Ares
Surya <--Gods of the sun--> Helios
Savitar/Savitr <--Gods of the sun--> Helios
Lakshmi <--Goddess' of love and beauty--> Aphrodite
Rati <--Goddess' of love, passion, fertility and sexuality--> Aphrodite
Yama <--Gods of the dead--> Hades
Banka-Mundi <--Goddess' of hunting-->Artemis
Dyaus <--Gods of Sky--> Uranus
Dyaus <--Gods of sky--> Zeus
Dyaus <--overthrown by their sons-->Cronus
Varuna/Baruna <--Gods of water/the sea--> Poseidon
Vayu <--Gods of wind--> Aeolos/Aeolus
Ushas <--Goddess' of dawn--> Eos
Ratri <--Goddess' of night--> Nyx
Devi <--mother goddess'/divine mothers-->Gaia/Gaea

I'm sure I could add more if I took the time to think about them...

2006-11-06 06:14:43 · answer #1 · answered by xx_villainess_xx 7 · 2 1

I am of Celtic ancestry so the Celtic myths of the British Isles, though Celtic mythology is inspired by Greek mythology. Also Greek mythology has monsters where as Celtic mythology doesn't really.

2016-05-22 03:16:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ORDER:No---Greek God----resemblence---Indian God
1)Zeus- king of gods/god of lightening- Indra

2)Brahma- the creator -Zeus

3)Vishnu- the Preserver -Hades/Demeter

3)Shiva - the Destroyer -Pluto/Poisedon

4)Sherowali- trademark-LION -Hercules( 1st task )

5)Shiva- trademark-SNAKE -Hercules( Hydra )

6)Yama ( god )- trademark-FIRE -
Hephaestus( god )/Prometheus ( stole the secret and told the greeks)

7)Surya- god of the sky -Uranus

8)Chandrama- the moon( god of the night sky )-Selene

9)Ganga- important river( also called the river of immortality )-Styx

10)Narasimha- mythical creatures( incarnation of gods ) -Titans.


2006-11-06 02:36:14 · answer #3 · answered by ¨°º¤•§îRîu§ ¤[†]¤ ߣã¢K•¤º°¨ 3 · 2 0

Poseidon is comparable to Lord Shiva because both have Tridents and are Gods of destruction.Hades is comparable to lord
vishnu who is the protector of people.

2006-11-06 00:19:33 · answer #4 · answered by varun 2 · 1 1

God it would take sooo much time.I've seen a site dealing with this but can no more remember which.

2006-11-05 21:11:32 · answer #5 · answered by CRAnoop 3 · 0 1

i think it is much diffeernces like the chinese gods and the Indian gods
got many differnces

2006-11-12 19:49:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i dont know about greeks

2006-11-05 21:12:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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