You answered your own question----they run out, they act desperate. Leading a 'normal' life doesn't have you running in desperation for an escape of drugs. They can think it's okay, but so does an alcoholic, a gambler etc. The drugs will eventually eat away at their lives. Hiding an addiction always does--it's time they woke up and faced life as themselves-not behind the mask of something that make them feel good for a while.
2006-11-05 19:23:51
answer #1
answered by Tracy S 4
No, they won't go living on like normal people. The more the smoke, and the more often they do it, the harder it will be to break this habit. They can go for over a year without doing it if they tried, but they will still desire to smoke from time to time. and if they do quit, and get back on, then that can have very negative effects on family, work, etc.
If they do quit for a very prolonged period of time, and are throughly convinced that they would never care to smoke weed again, then perhaps they will be 'normal' from that point on. But this isn't to say that weed can ruin your life; sure it can be addictive, but if it is only a few times a week more or less, then the negative effeccts of that can be very small. There is always the chance however, of them moving onto something stronger, or having to situation go out of control.
2006-11-05 19:01:43
answer #2
answered by hondapride67 2
drugs Leeds to mental problems. If they r desperate 4 More then yes they do have a problem. They r not normal eventually the drugs Will take ova there lives.
2006-11-05 22:13:28
answer #3
answered by wildpalomino 7
Truth is that yes, a drug addict can lead a relatively normal life. A heroin addict who has money can quite easily handle his working day via the means of carefully timed doses of heroin.
As to smoking weed every day, I don't think that's quite as serious an issue as maybe it sounds. Naturally, your friends seem to get agitated or hungry when they run out of weed but that's just because it's nice to smoke. By the sounds of it, they are stable, employed and happy people who choose to smoke weed in the evenings cos it's a way for them to relax.
Sounds pretty harmless to me...
2006-11-05 20:34:35
answer #4
answered by TC 3
If its only weed yes they can as longs as they do not get into the more heavy drugs then it will become a problem. IF they do weed and they can controll it they can live normal lives I know a Nurse who does it. BUt she ony does it when she is not working. So yeah you can live a normal life. IF they do have a job that tests for that they do need to stop bc they will get fired. Luckily the nurse i know she quite now but they have not tested her yet but it does not matter now she quite now. She lives a normal life when she was on it so. IF THEY CAN NOT CONTROL IT THAT IS A MAJOR PROBLEM. see the nurse i know she was able to control it and if she ran out she just ran out she was never desprete for it.
2006-11-05 18:54:36
answer #5
answered by knowssignlanguage 6
Many people who are not into "hard core" drugs seem to be able to maintain a moderately normal life, but even recreational drug use has to have some effect on their lives. I wouldn't want that monkey on my back.
2006-11-05 20:29:36
answer #6
answered by worldwise1 4
Everybody has a different idea of what "normal" is. My dad was puttering along happily at home, but my sister thought he needed to be put in a nursing home and pumped full of drugs that -- get this! -- my neighbor just finished a jail sentence for! My sister really likes him better, drugged! "Normal," like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I say, enjoy your own life the way you like it, and Choose your Friends and Family Carefully! (If you were gonna be happy with a bunch of druggies, you wouldn't have sent this question.)
2006-11-05 19:02:11
answer #7
answered by shirleykins 7
Depends what "normal" is. To them, normal may be smoking weed on a daily basis. To you and I, normal does not include this activity. If they keep using as they do now, most likely they will need more and more to get a high. Then, this will lead to addiction. That will then become their "normal" life.
2006-11-05 18:58:55
answer #8
answered by missyd2003 2
drugs are drugs no matter what they are. nothing against them nothing for them. if you have the money then you have no worries you ould live a normal life for the rest of your life if you call that normal. junkies are only junkies because they usually outgrow their income to expenditure ratio..
but heck.. an addict is an addict no matter what the income level. there is a difference but yet a common view.
2006-11-05 18:53:27
answer #9
answered by GhandiDahandi 3
Can you be in control when acting desperate? Quite a contradiction don't you think? Little joke: How do you know when a junky is lying? S/he speaks.
2006-11-05 18:59:31
answer #10
answered by krisi 3