they are children from mating of an angel and a mortal woman.
Supposed to have the powers of an angel and the free will of a human. Yes there can be female Nephilim
2006-11-06 04:13:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They were an abomination, and the offspring of "The Sons of God," (Angels, Watchers), and "The Daughters of Man." (Female gender of humans). I don't think that there would have been a female Nephilim, as it is believed that the Nephilim can not reproduce. Now, I'm not saying that must mean that there were no females, then, but think about it.
It was thought that." Goliath" the giant that fought "David", was said to be one of them. They called themselves, "Gods", and would have temples built for them, in which the humans that they ruled over would give human sacrifices to. They were suppose to be like 25 ft. tall, and they were quickly consuming all of the resources that the humans had, and were still not satiated. It has been told then that this is the reason for the human sacrifice, they would eat them.
Nephilim is also associated with "Raphilim," and a couple of other names that are in the book of Genesis on the Bible.
2006-11-07 00:10:27
answer #2
answered by lisa l 3
The Nephilim were a race of beings (as stated in above testimonies) known as "the Fallen". Some people think of them as a race of giants, while others think of them as merely our size, but with the powers of angels. They do not exist today, if they ever really did exist, since no proof of their existence has ever been uncovered. As far as I can remember, all the Nephilim were born sterile, and had no gender, let alone sex - although many refer to them mainly as males.
One thing almost all people do agree on though - if the Nephilim were real, and they return - it will be the end of the world.
2006-11-06 02:32:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
In the Torah and several non-canonical Jewish and early Christian writings, nephilim (Hebrew, ×× Ö¼×¤×××, "those causing others to fall") are a people created by the crossbreeding of the "sons of God" (benei elohim, ×× × ××××××) and the "daughters of men". (See Genesis 6:1.) The word nephilim is loosely translated as giants or titans in some translations of the Bible, and is left as nephilim in others.
2006-11-06 00:22:51
answer #4
answered by Dark Knight 3
The word is a Hebrew corruption of a Sumerian word.
The Hebrew meaning is something like 'those who have fallen".
The Sumerian meaning is "Those who came down from the sky."
It was yet another label for the Annunaki.
Yes, they were male and female. They tend to live for 20,000 to 30,000 years, and they have internal technology that make use of broadcast power whose results have been remembered in a variety of myths, scriptures, and folklores as 'psychic' powers. I mean, imagine having a cell-phone in your head. To those that didn't have it, using it would seem like telepathy. Without broadcast power, it doesn't work much though.
We are their 'children', their workers. They had Enki create us by genetically mixing their genes with the genes of a local Rhampethicus (small ape). So all of us have 'Nephilim' heritage....
2006-11-06 04:19:32
answer #5
answered by raxivar 5
no i don't think they are still around ;)
In the Torah and several non-canonical Jewish and early Christian writings, nephilim (Hebrew, ×× Ö¼×¤×××, "those causing others to fall") are a people created by the crossbreeding of the "sons of God" (benei elohim, ×× × ××××××) and the "daughters of men". (See Genesis 6:1.) The word nephilim is loosely translated as giants or titans in some translations of the Bible, and is left as nephilim in others.
When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. (Genesis 6:1-4, English Standard Version)
2006-11-06 00:25:31
answer #6
answered by insane illusions 3
Nephilim is a hebrew word meaning "those who have fallen" and people use it in referral to demons or fallen angels. As far as I know, nephilim can be female, and no i don't think they exist anymore.
2006-11-06 00:34:57
answer #7
answered by salstick 6
There are most likely many descriptions of these. For the most part I would label these as some sort of mutation or altered species. Also referred to as an abomination or against the rules of God or nature. Many species will ignore/starve or kill these naturally by instinct. Modern day theorists might call them hybrids. Michael Tsarion has his own interpretation also.From a certain point of view I would say that they still exist somewhere.I doubt that gender would matter in this case.
2006-11-06 13:52:00
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Nephilim are signified those who through a persuasion of their own loftiness and pre-eminence made light of all things holy and true, appears from what precedes and what follows, namely, that they immersed the doctrinals of faith in their cupidities, signified by the sons of God going in unto the daughters of man, and their bearing unto them. Persuasion concerning self and its phantasies increases also according to the multitude of things that enter into it, till at length it becomes indelible; and when the doctrinals of faith are added thereto, then from principles of the strongest persuasion they make light of all things holy and true, and become Nephilim.
In Genesis 6:1-4 the "sons of God" are captivated by the beauty of the "daughters of men." They subsequently marry them and produce an offspring of giants known as the Nephilim. Genesis goes on to say that these Nephilim were "mighty men" and "men of renown."
Nephilim" is a Hebrew word translated in the Authorized King James version as "giants." "There were giants in the earth in those days" (Genesis 6:4). It is true that they were giants in more senses than one. However, the word Nephilim does not mean "giants." It comes from the root "naphal," meaning "fallen ones," and most modern versions of the Bible have left the word "Nephilim" untranslated.
When the Greek Septuagint was made, "Nephilim" was translated as "gegenes." This word suggests "giants" but actually it has little reference to size or strength. "Gegenes" means "earth born." The same term was used to describe the mythical "Titans" -- being partly of celestial and partly of terrestrial origin.
The Hebrew and the Greek words do not exclude the presence of great physical strength. Indeed, a combined supernatural and natural parentage would imply such a characteristic. Angels, according to Scripture, are known for their power. They are often referred to as "sons of the Mighty" (Psalm 103:20). Therefore, if the ones who sired them were strong and mighty, it could be assumed that their offspring were likewise.
No evidence exists in Scripture that the offspring of mixed marriages (believers and unbelievers) were giants, excelling in great strength and might. No evidence can be found anywhere in history for that matter. Such an interpretation poses impossible assumptions.
In the New Testament, born-again believers in Christ are called the children of God or the sons of God (Luke 3:38, John 1:12, Romans 8:14, 1 John 3:1). Dr. Bullinger in the Companion Bible states: "It is only by the divine specific act of creation that any created being can be called 'a son of God.'" This explains why every born-again believer is a son of God. It explains also why Adam was a son of God. Adam was specifically created by God, "in the likeness of God made He him" (Genesis 5:1). Adam's descendants, however, were different; they were not made in God's likeness but in Adam's. Adam "begat a son in his own likeness, after his image" (Genesis 5:3). Adam was a "son of God," but Adam's descendants were "sons of men."
Lewis Sperry Chafer expresses this in an interesting way when he states:
"In the Old Testament terminology angels are called sons of God while men are called servants of God. In the New Testament this is reversed. Angels are the servants and Christians are the sons of God." (3)
It is thus clear that the term "sons of God" in the Bible is limited to three categories of beings: angels, Adam and believers. All three are special and specific creations of God. As for the use of the term in Genesis 6, since it cannot possibly refer to Adam nor believers in Christ, we conclude that it has to refer to the angels whom God had created.
The Book of Isaiah says that the Nephilim and their descendants will not participate in a resurrection as is the portion of ordinary mortals. Isaiah 26:14 reads: "They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise." The original Hebrew word translated "deceased" here is the word "Rephaim." It would have saved a lot of misinterpretation if the translators had left the word as it was in the original. The verse actually reads: "Dead, they shall not live; Rephaim, they shall not rise." The Rephaim are generally understood to be one of the branches of the Nephilim, and God's Word makes it clear that they are to partake in no resurrection. But with humans it is different: all humans will be resurrected either to life or to damnation (John 5:28-29).
We have already seen that the Greek Version of the Old Testament (The Septuagint) translated "Nephilim" as "gegenes;" we shall now inquire how it translates "sons of God." In some of the manuscripts it is left as "sons of God," but in the others-- including the Alexandrian text--it is rendered by the word "angelos." This text was in existence in the time of Christ, but there is no indication that He ever corrected or queried it. Can we not assume from His silence that He agreed with the translation!
Some assumed vanished when great flood.but some stil remain mystery only God know what exactly Son of God,Daughter of man. existance same as mystery of the great flood.
2006-11-06 02:27:37
answer #9
answered by It's Me! 5
I don't think you would want to meet one if they still exisited . they were giant half-breeds from the mating of Angles and humans. Were supposed to have drowned in the flood ayway.
2006-11-06 00:37:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous