How about a makeover for the friend? Or suggest a less-shallow guy? Either would be a nice thing to do.
2006-11-05 15:55:22
answer #1
answered by Baby'sMom 7
this is a tough situation, especially at younger ages, as raging hormones make looks a high priority. First of all, she needs to look the best she can, dressing attractively and whatnot. This does not mean wearing things that she can't pull off, that would just make her look ridiculous.
The second best method is personality. Guys that are worth anything are attracted to women that are smart, independent, kind and sweet (very huge), and able to have conversations about what other people are interested in. If you appear desperate then that is just going to hurt, even if that is how you feel on the inside.
I think, however, in the long run she will realize it is better to be with someone that is on her "level" yet more compatible in other areas.
2006-11-05 16:00:19
answer #2
answered by s_e_e 4
How did you make that distension....did you do it for her....anyway no one is on another level when feelings are involved....his or hers....and you should do nothing, if she ask you, you should just say that your not comfortable with match making.....
2006-11-05 15:56:03
answer #3
answered by Diamond in the Rough 6
how about u mind ur damn business? if he is going to like her for who she is then good for him and if he doesnt then nobody can force him to... u truly need to stop trying to make urself feel important and let her handle her own business
2006-11-05 16:01:22
answer #4
answered by damnnearperfect5 3
It is just possible that she may be beautiful to him! What is to be lost by finding out.
2006-11-05 15:56:41
answer #5
answered by dano 4
do her makeup or get her a really sexy makeover. teach her how to do her makeup as well. then teach her the diva walk. he will notice then....
2006-11-06 02:32:20
answer #6
answered by newmichelle1959 3
I'm not helping heterosexuals hook up, ick.
2006-11-05 16:44:26
answer #7
answered by tjnstlouismo 7
I guess she will have to learn for herself.
2006-11-05 15:58:51
answer #8
answered by *babydoll* 6