No they should not. Try googling the case of the 2 15 year olds that got fat from McDonalds and their parents sued.,2933,63698,00.html
2006-11-05 15:40:42
answer #1
answered by Lesleann 6
People should not be able to sue a restaurant because he/she got fat eating their food, that's crazy. No one force fed that person that restaurant food, they had a choice, made it and if they got fat because they didn't have enough self control, it's not the fault of the restaurant owner and should not suffer the consequences because someone doesn't have the brains to stay away from something that is making them gain weight. Maybe we should all consider sueing Hershey's or all the bakers in the country for having dessert and snacks that CAN make us fat, IF WE INDULGE TOO MUCH... it's no one fault but his/her own that he/she got fat from eating at that restaurant, he/she should have said enough is enough long before the weight starting packing on, it's called self control and we all have to have it, especially these days. No one should be able to sue someone else when that person is doing whatever it is to themselves. Smoking is another thing, how can you sue the cigarette company because you smoked and got sick? It's not their fault YOU chose to smoke their product, they just made it available, it's still up to you to chose whether you want to indulge or not, same thing with a restaurant, that restaurant owner did not hog tie you and keep feeding you until you gained 150#...people have to start taking responsibilities for what they do to themselves, it's time to stop blaming others for what you did to yourself. Sorry, got little carried away but it really irks me when someone blames someone else for a choice they made for themselves and because things ended going wrong they blame the person or company that made it available...just because it's available doesn't mean you have to use it or go there. The government should step in and STOP people from being able to sue others for these reasons.
2006-11-05 15:49:12
answer #2
answered by robotchic 2
I don't think they should allow them to sue restaurants. Nobody is forcing the people to go out and eat the food, also they are not exercising and that cannot be the only food that contains a lot of fat those people are eating. It is a persons own responsibility to keep themselves in shape.
2006-11-05 15:35:06
answer #3
answered by alverpen 3
hahah well the only problem is that in America, you can sue anyone for anything. I mean there are crazy stories out there like a woman spilling coffee on herself at McDonalds and making MILLIONS.. then theres another story of a woman who tripped over her toddler in some furniture store and making MILLIONS...
Its just amazing where we've come to.
But to answer your question, I dont think its illegal to do so at this point. Whatever the case, you made the decision to eat there so its your fault. It's all about choice.
The reason you couldn't find any information on this topic is because the question you're asking is all about opinion and not facts!
I hope this helps!
2006-11-05 15:38:27
answer #4
answered by Jac R 3
Are you serious? Do you know anything about law? You don't need the governments permission to sue anyone. You can sue anyone you want for any reason you want. Whether you win or not is another story. Its called civil law . You also have to have enough money to pay a lawyer to file the suit. Find another topic for your paper because the one you have chosen doesn't make any sense.
2006-11-05 15:42:27
answer #5
answered by goodtimesgladly 5
OMG! It is statism you wonderful fellow human being. They started with smoking, and I do not smoke, I have never smoked, but it is so obvious the conditioning that that whole crusade was used for --- in some cities now you can not smoke anywhere not even in a bar or on a beach there next step is to prevent it in cars and house to protect the children -- it is government control hidden under a veil of "protecting the people". The government is attempting to indoctrinate people into what they can eat or drink, first by demonizing it, and presenting it as a social weight or societal responsibility when these are only a perception and governmental construct and not shackles of obedience on any man.
In addition, there are not anymore overweight people now than there ever were , this promotion is part of a bigger U.N. and one world order calorie control implementation -- they eventually want to and plan on keeping tabs on every single persons consumption of calories and creating rations for you. Because the elitist believe we have to be protected from ourselves and they spend enormous resources trying to make us think that as well.
"The truth is, as reported by The Center for Consumer Freedom, in 1998, the federal government changed the rules measuring the Body Mass Index (BMI). Overnight, 30 million Americans, without gaining a pound, went from normal BMI to overweight. Now, Tom Cruise, Michael Jordan, Sylvester Stallone, and even Arnold Schwarzenegger are listed as obese. It's a lie. There is no obesity epidemic. There is only the disease of government run by overweight, droopy-joweled bureaucrats, fat-headed special interest groups hoping to feed at the federal trough, and lawyers." -- The Real Disease is Called Government, Tom Deweese, American Policy Center.
In California they are working on removing sodas from schools, does that have any effect on fat children, no, they left milk which is more fattening than sodas and pasteurized fruit juices that are full of corn syrup and sugar. They knew it did not and would not stop the consumption of calories but it was for the introduction of the control to the children for what they have planned when they grow up. Similar to the fingerprinting that is being implemented for lunch room use in some starter schools in California as well.
People are responsible for there own actions. No one is forced to eat at any restaurant, and if they had the money to eat out they have choices. And even if you argue about what is being served at a restaurant no can control how much you eat of any food but you and you alone -- you can get away with eating almost any food as long as you, that is you, are not a glutton and you do not choose to eat to much. It is called self-control and not getting seconds, saving some of the meal if it is too large in a "doggie bag" or box.
Think really hard and where does it stop, smoking, then food, then what is next sex control or children control, if we let them tell us, in order to fit into some national healthcare parameters, what kind of food and how many calories we eat, even though as we see by the 1998 change in the rules by the government that overweight percentages are a manipulated shame, will they be telling us how many children we can have or not have? In anything presented as innocent, consider the precedent it sets and the rights it violates and the not what they are telling you but what they are not, are there ulterior motives or underlying agendas other than what appears to be the surface reasons?
The Food Police are coming, check out for numerous links and resources on the subject:
2006-11-05 16:17:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No! I do not! If people are that stupid not to realize that eating junk food/fast food is bad for you and can make you fat, then they deserve to be fat. People in this country are so greedy and are to lazy to get off their *ss and get a job...they would rather just sue and take someone else's hard earned money.
2006-11-05 15:40:01
answer #7
answered by ohiogirl27 2
The 'McDonald's Trial', as it became known, was ruled on about 4 years ago. The verdict was that despite the power of tempting advertizing, individuals still had to retain some responsibility for their choices, such as where and how much to eat.
The whole thing was sparked from some success as making tobacco companies responsible for health problems in smokers who had believed advertizing that made smoking look positively benficial.
I will try to find a link and get back to you here......
Here are some:$File/02-57121.PDF#search='McDonald%27s%20Trial'
2006-11-05 15:38:40
answer #8
answered by Bart S 7
specific Being fat would not advise am wealthy speedy nutrition is inexpensive, it attracts in a great sort of decrease type people who might no longer care approximately visual charm as plenty. maximum people who often eat speedy nutrition can basically eat there because of the fact it relatively is extra inexpensive.
2016-11-27 21:31:42
answer #9
answered by ? 4
No I personally believe that a person should feel a certain since of responsibility for their own actions and that of their children's' as well. You should not legally be allowed to sue for your own consumptions mis-managements
2006-11-05 15:48:48
answer #10
answered by darius b 2