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im bi i have been with 2 females whats good with that yes i have a boyfriend he says he dont care if i have a girlfriend as long as its not a guy i dont understand it some1 explain

2006-11-05 14:53:29 · 23 answers · asked by lusthard516 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

23 answers

If you are with another guy, he feels that the other guy can take his place as your boyfriend. If you are with another girl, he doesn't feel as if he can be replaced. Because of this, he considers you being with another guy cheating but not if it is another girl.

2006-11-05 15:01:01 · answer #1 · answered by χριστοφορος ▽ 7 · 0 2

See most guys fantasies are two girl being together, one day he going to ask you can her watch or join in(if he did not ask you already) Your boyfriend may not feel threaten by another women but other dude "yes".. I just wanted to know, when are you going to make up your mind about what team your going to play on? the reason why I am saying this people feeling will get hurt? It's good that your boyfriend has an understanding of this but at on point he will get tried and leave you for someone who only want him or vice or verse. This is how diseases spread. Decided what you want man or woman, it should not be that hard. And be careful with the mind and body that you are dealing with and always you some type of protection...........................................Oh. no matter how you look at this your are cheating and he will one day he make that and excuse why he cheated with another girl...be careful

2006-11-05 15:06:14 · answer #2 · answered by JO`NAE 3 · 2 1

Because hes a stupid man and thats how they think. Is he also bi? I think that if you are in a relationship with a man, bi or not, you shouldnt have a gf on the side. Thats like saying its ok for a straight couple to have little flings on the side when they are in a relationship. Its a total double standard.

How bout ponder this.......

If your bf was also bi, would you be ok with it if he had a bf on the side???? I mean really, be honest. Im a lesbian, and that grosses me the fck out! How is it different? It really isnt.

2006-11-05 15:16:20 · answer #3 · answered by arielsalom33 4 · 0 1

It is a typical male attitude and the sense of ownership. It also speaks about the insecurity your BF may have. Whenever you are with a male, he feels insecure and suspect some physical involvement may take place. He does not suspect any thing when you are with females, because he does not think that lesbianism actually exists. So long it is caring it is a welcome trait but it should not transform into the jealousy and possessiveness.

2006-11-05 15:21:41 · answer #4 · answered by Friendly medic 3 · 0 1

With another guy there's more "competition." Your boyfriend might be a little insecure; "is he better than me?" He might be worried that you'll want to be with the other guy more and he won't know where he stands in the relationship. The other guy is a threat to him. Whereas with another woman it's a totally different ball game and he can't compare with her and she can't compare with him. There is no threat.

Also, he can join in on the fun if you're with another woman. He can know exactly what's goin on. Unless he's bi also joining in with another guy isn't a turn on for him.

Basically you being with another woman is benefiting you both. You being with another guy is only benefiting yourself.

2006-11-05 15:14:38 · answer #5 · answered by Ersabette 5 · 0 1

Lame Explanation...

Because he doesn't see the other females as a threat to his "Manhood".

In fact, most men at least secretly fantasize about being with 2 women sexually. Your being with other women is probably a turn on for him. But another man is strictly taboo to us.


2006-11-05 14:58:22 · answer #6 · answered by troydowning 5 · 1 2

Well...my only perception is that he can brag that his gf has slept with other women...for some straight guys...this seems to be a reason to brag. Honestly, if the guy isn't there or isn't involved sexually..then he's just kidding himself...but this is just my perception.
to me intimacy is intimacy, regardless of gender

2006-11-05 15:08:48 · answer #7 · answered by bald_guy69 2 · 2 1

sugar it is just the way a man thinks. he can't imagine losing you to a female but a male would be a threat to him. wierd but true

2006-11-05 15:38:10 · answer #8 · answered by jusme 5 · 0 1

Another guy would pose a bigger threat. It's the whole male ego thing. Like maybe he will satisfy you more or his penis is larger. He can't help it, it's instinct.

2006-11-05 14:56:07 · answer #9 · answered by Roxy 2 · 2 1

Maybe, just maybe your bf is not that bright. Get him a chair, buy him a cigar and tell him to sit back and learn whats he's doing wrong.

2006-11-05 14:57:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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