I've never heard the term 'bi lifestyle' . . . interesting.
I don't think there's a standard type. Amongst bisexuals, some are completely monogamous, and some are polyamorous, having a boyfriend and girlfriend at the same time, or having threesomes that aren't one-night stands, but long-term situations. Some never think about the other gender when they're with one, and some can't just be thinking about one. Some people identify as bisexual but never date/sleep with both sexes; some go back and forth between them.
I doubt it's a 'this gender didn't work out, guess I'll date the other now' kind of thing, more like just looking for a lover/spouse to have a relationship with, for whom the gender may be irrelevant.
They're open to either, even if they have preferences for one over the other. How they choose to date/settle down isn't a universal, and usually has little to do with actually being bisexual, and rather with being in love.
I'm always up for explaining bisexuality to people who don't know a lot about it, because it's the only way to stop biphobia and bi-invisibility. Hope that helps!
2006-11-05 15:27:20
answer #1
answered by cando_86 4
Being bisexual is an orientation, not a lifestyle. Thus, someone who was with men & women at the same time or at different time periods (whether or not they go "back and forth") could be considered bi. People are individuals -just as some straight or gay people will fantasize about other people while with their partner & some won't, the same would be true of bisexuals. There's also no requirement that if it doesn't work out with one person your next relationship has to be with someone of the opposite gender just because you're bisexual (though it could possibly be).
2006-11-05 15:11:38
answer #2
answered by Dragon 7
i view the bi lifestyle as being open to love men and or women. Sometimes a bi person may get tired of one gender and starting dating the other gender but when it comes down to it. it's all about love or the possibility of love.
2006-11-05 14:48:03
answer #3
answered by angelic_devil30 3
I know what you mean. When I think of a lifestyle, I think of someone being athletic, or a couch potato, or someone who's very busy, or who is a vegetarian or whatever.
I don't think there is any such thing as a bi lifestyle any more than there's a blue eyed lifestyle or brunette lifestyle.
2006-11-05 15:50:45
answer #4
answered by Angry Gay Man 3
I'm Lesbian and still haven't figured out why its a lifestyle. Except for who I love I don't live any differently, than anybody else.
2006-11-05 15:00:31
answer #5
answered by tammidee10 6
bi just means you are attracted to both sexes.
2006-11-05 15:25:02
answer #6
answered by jusme 5
Hi, Well Bi means, that you dont know what the hell you want ..Its that simple..
2006-11-05 14:57:52
answer #7
answered by deb s 2
yes that way you get laid ether way its all good!
2006-11-05 14:44:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous