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Do you think it impinges upon a person's private life or should the general public be made aware of how many people there are who are gay and feel the need to hide it because of intolerance?

2006-11-05 06:03:47 · 19 answers · asked by albert_rossie 4 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

19 answers

Outing is a violation of a persons rights. If someone is not forthcoming with their sexuality there must be reasons for this.

I get the political ideal, if everyone is outed, things will be easier for everyone else to come out. But what if the aftermath is not positive for the people being outed? If there are strong negative reactions this could very well serve as a public demonstration as to why people should not come out and thus be counterproductive.

In my mind, it is much more beneficial to continue to provide services to assist people who are looking to come out of their own accord, and let them make the choice of when, why and how.

2006-11-06 01:37:37 · answer #1 · answered by tysonian22 2 · 0 0

Only....I repeat, ONLY when the person being outed is one who publically condemns me and my life style. To those, I say hang them from the nearest tree! And it makes no difference whether they be straight or gay...in my life I have seen Jimmy Swaggart preach against immorality, then get caught in a motel with a hooker...good! I have seen J.Edgar Hoover and Roy Cohen go after gays at every chance, yet they were infamously gay! They can both rot in hell for eternity. Jim Bakker got caught, but that was a very bad rap....he and Tammy preached ONLY love and acceptance of all, condemned NO ONE..it was a manuver by Fawell to take over the ministry for the money involved. But this Ted Haggard stood on the pulpet and preached against homosexuality, then was outed....none too soon. His downfall carries many ramifications, and I am sorry that HE himself calls himself a deviant...sad and sick. He has done NONE of us any good what so ever..but at least, another one bites the dust!

2006-11-05 06:59:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, I believe a majority of the responses hit the nail right on the head. I think those who push for federal and state constitutional amendments to ban same sex relationships and those who use their pulpits and any other position of authority to preach against something they are involved in ought to be outed to the ninth degree. When you hear about someone speaking so passionately against something -- watch them. 9 times out of 10 they are involved in the practice. I believe even those who are gay and lesbian and work for people like that ought to be outed as well because you are in essence supporting what they are doing.

I look at some of the interviews with some of the Associate Pastors of Haggards congregation and they are as gay as a 3 dollar bill. So they knew, they all knew -- he was just on the down low.

I feel for his family, however, he put his family in the situation with his rhetoric being one thing and his actions being another.

For example, you have some Christians that preach against drinking and going out dancing on Friday and Saturday night. You luck you they're in the same club you're in and are having a better time.

2006-11-05 07:11:48 · answer #3 · answered by cajun7_girl 2 · 0 0

I actually think it would be great if people were not hidden. The larger the known population of gays the more accepted we would be.
We are not abnormal and like the business people of today are finding out we have MONEY.......so many big corporations are target marketing to gays now, which is a help but for the wrong reasons...MONEY...........the root to all _ _ _ _!

So yes to the theory of your question but a GREAT BIG NO TO THE OUTING part of it. We must not out people nor do we need this big brother government instating another law to take away peoples rights and force people to say what they are!

Illegitimate legitimacy!

2006-11-05 07:23:55 · answer #4 · answered by Crampy Grampy 4 · 1 0

Personally, no. I'm straight, but I think the fact whether or not someone is gay has nothing to do with the effectiveness of their work, the way the do work, or how good of an employee they are. Some people judge, but seriously, there is no reason to judge a gay person. They are people just like us, and they just happen to naturally like the same sex, just as us straight people naturally like the opposite sex.

2006-11-05 06:07:04 · answer #5 · answered by dumpsterdd90 5 · 4 0

I think the only time a famous person should be outed is if they are in a position of power and actively work against the very thing they are. The two cases of Congressman Foley and Rev Haggard revealed their hypocrisy and they had it coming.

Celebrities I am not so anxious to see outed. But if they out themselves, more power to them, and thanks for taking the stand. We need more "out" role models.

Everyday people? No. People's right to privacy super-cedes anyone's right to know unless they are intimate with them. Outing someone like this puts the person in harms way, but also causes trouble for those around them.

2006-11-05 06:21:11 · answer #6 · answered by imaginary friend 5 · 5 0

I think it's a REALLY cruel thing to do to someone, unless they're actively making legislature against GLBT rights. That's when THEY cross a line, and all bets are off. If there's just like an actor or something, I don't think it's really fair / ok to out them. And if someone's not EVEN a celebrity, so much less so.

2006-11-05 14:48:36 · answer #7 · answered by Atropis 5 · 1 0

It does when the person is in a position of power and acting in a hypocritical manner. As far as everyday people, not really unless you know for certain that they are living a "double life" that endangers the health or wellbeing of others in their lives.

2006-11-05 06:40:17 · answer #8 · answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6 · 1 0

I don't think any person's sex life (be it gay or straight) is any of my business! I don't think it has anything to do with their ability to entertain me, or to do any other job (including President or Pastor). The only problem I have, is when people like "pastor Ted" preach one thing and live another. Otherwise it is none of my, or anyone else's, business!

2006-11-05 06:41:14 · answer #9 · answered by )o( 4 · 0 0

No...a person's sexual orientation is their own business. It should be their own decision, in their own time when and if they come out.
But, I do have to agree with Mr Sceptic. when there is a church leader or politician who preaches hatred and intolerance, and preaches "morality"....and then cheat on their wives with a man....they are nothing but two-faced hypocrites and should be called out on their lies....

2006-11-06 09:35:24 · answer #10 · answered by redcatt63 6 · 0 0

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