There is something to be said for this, i.e. that people accept YOUR image of yourself, much of the time. This applies to all aspects of you, not just your gorgeousness, but why not start with that?
2006-11-05 03:43:19
answer #1
answered by simon2blues 4
I'm sure there are several teen flicks based around this phenomenon. One springs to mind with freddy prince jnr in where he is given the challenge of turning the class 'nerd' into 'prom queen'? Don't know what it was called tho?
Psychologically, there are two theories linked to this, the first being coolies looking glass effect. He basically said that the people around us are like a mirror for our self image. We see ourselves as they see us. The other is self fulfilling prophecy. In a nut shell if you believe something about yourself enough you will become that thing. In your example, if you were to believe that you are gorgeous then others will start to see you that way also. Link this with cooloe's looking glass; as others start to see you as gorgeous you will start to believe it more.
Being attractive is not all about how you look facially or physically, a lot of it comes down to self esteem and as others have pointed out confidence. It has been proven several times that a plain looking girl with confidence will have a happier social and personal life than an attractive shy girl.
Put simply, yes this is true. The hard bit is convincing youself that you are attractive if you don't already think it.
2006-11-05 09:02:00
answer #2
answered by Atlanta 3
Being gorgeous doesnt only mean in looks. If you are a nice person and act with confidence you can be just as beautiful as the pretty girls. Ive known lots of pretty faced girls who are just dead behind the eyes with no personality - not nice people and so vain that they though boys dont want them because they are too lovely - it wasnt that, its that plainer girls with sparky personalities are far nicer to know !!!!
2006-11-05 03:45:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Not always. Some people have an entirely too inflated opinion of themselves. But for some, yeah. Having a little confidence can work wonders.
2006-11-06 12:20:48
answer #4
answered by Angry Gay Man 3
Totally- what you radiate is what attracts other people- so if you are happy and feel gorgeous people will be attracted to that- if you're miserable, uncomfortable and negative you won't get anywhere!!!
2006-11-05 03:43:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
yes confidence is the ultimate aphrodiasiac. other people will notice and be enthralled by a self-reliant strong person. have you ever noticed someone physically unattractive whos always with extreme hotties, thats why. i'm KNOW i'm beautiful (not necissarily by societys standards) and i've never had a problem finding people who are attracted to me. my problem seems to be i fall for pretty, poor, useless, bastards lololololol
2006-11-05 05:33:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
yes confidence is very sexy if you think you are gorgeous you will put off an air of confidence that will indeed attract others to you.
2006-11-05 05:24:45
answer #7
answered by jusme 5
The mind is a powerful instrument. It might not be very good at reshaping one's body, but it can change the way people see you.
2006-11-05 04:35:33
answer #8
answered by carora13 6
also self confedens people who doesn't check in the mirror every 5 minutes and is happy with themselfs is so much sexier than all the fake make-up and dyed hair!
2006-11-05 03:56:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
remember this we are all 3 people
1. who we see ourselves as.
2. who other people see us as
3.who we really are
we all have trouble finding the answer to question 3 but when found we can be a better person.
hope that helps
2006-11-05 03:43:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous