As a Homeopath who has cured such things I would suggest you visit a really good Classical Homeopath and by the Grace of the Almighty your daughter will be cured very soon without any side effects or complications or post her complete symptoms and conditions for a Homeopathic Prescription. Trust me only Homeopathy can treat and cure her.
Take Care and God Bless you and your family.
2006-11-05 06:07:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
HI Sudhakar
This formula helped my mother with her hearing.
Hearing Loss Kit
Blue Cohosh, Black Cohosh, Blue Vervain, Skullcap, Lobelia
Therapeutic Action:
Dr. Christopher's Oil and Tincture Combination. When this procedure is used as explained here, it can be an aid in assisting in improvement of poor equilibrium, failure of hearing, etc.
This program has restored the hearing of many adults and children.
Definition, Symptoms, Causes:
When a child cannot hear well, it may be from several causes, i.e., injury and concussion, nerve-loss, ears plugged with wax and/or debris.
With an eye dropper insert into each ear at night, four to six drops of oil of garlic and four to six drops of the tincture, plugging ears overnight with cotton, six days a week, four to six months, or as needed.
On the seventh day, flush ears with a small ear syringe using warm apple cider vinegar and distilled water, 1/2 and 1/2.
Best of health to both of you
2006-11-05 13:10:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
hi Sudhakar,
believe in homeopathy, may take more time;
since your daughter can "live" without immediate repairs in hearing, so find any doc with reputation - less fees and more faithful patients,
and keep visiting him;
God Bless the child, she would become OK;
2006-11-06 07:45:43
answer #3
answered by many-ques!!! 2
You can consider cochlear implants for her. Contact Dr Ravi Shankar ENT surgeon on 98450-25393
2006-11-07 11:41:52
answer #4
answered by NS 2