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I am planning to buy N 91. I wanted to know the drawbacks of this phone and does it satisfy our purpose considering its cost. Please help.........

2006-11-04 23:56:36 · 2 answers · asked by Honest Guy 3 in Consumer Electronics Cell Phones & Plans

2 answers

The N91 is Nokia's venture into music phones - huge capacity phone that brings along with it the size and weight to let you know what you have. A 4GB hard disk should cater for most of your music storage needs, and the sleek look does make it look cool. But the weight and problem with the software hanging at times can sour things pretty quickly.
Nokia is releasing the 8GB N91, so storage equals the new iPod Nano. Tri-band with 3G, a nice black exterior like the 8800, but weight and ok camera hold this phone back from being a hit.

If a music mobile is what you are after, check out the Sony Ericsson Walkman series. Go for W800i,W810i or the new W950i. The W950i does not have a camera, but is identical to an iPod Nano, with 4GB hard disk, and a cool touchscreen.

2006-11-05 00:09:05 · answer #1 · answered by devs Advoc8 3 · 0 0

if you like music, the n91 is for you. it has a 4gb hard disk for your mp3 files. drawback is weight of the unit. it is slightly heavy compared to other phones & has no memory card slot.

2006-11-05 08:04:53 · answer #2 · answered by Gerry Z 3 · 0 0

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