If you like him you should go out with him. If you wait, he will eventually ask someone else who won't wait 4 weeks to say idk. You should be flattered that he is waiting around for you to make up your mind. When you go out with him you can then decide if you want to go out again with him or not based on the person that he is and not based on him being african american.
2006-11-04 16:49:43
answer #1
answered by χριστοφορος ▽ 7
Stop being so small minded and pointing out yourself characteristics of a person, stop the worries of what your previous place would think of you dating a guy of different race. Open your possibilities, or maybe you dont really want someone outside of your race, you need to REALLY think it over so you can let this person go on with his life. You know he would be waiting for your A** to make up your mind.
2006-11-05 00:47:06
answer #2
answered by zuegma1977 4
As long as you first define your "love interest" as African American first, I think you have problems about this. Look inside for your answers...they cannot come from us. But, without knowing you, it appears that you are the one with the issues. Just an observance. Good luck
2006-11-05 00:30:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you like him go ahead and go out with him. Don't live your life worrying what otheres will say about every aspect. There are a lot of close minded people in this world.
2006-11-05 00:33:56
answer #4
answered by cherhub 2
A-w-k-w-a-r-d. Okay. Now that I got that out of they way...if it doesn't bother you and it doesn't bother him and no one really cares then I don't know what the problem is. If he's a nice boy (regardless of race) then go out with him.
2006-11-05 00:41:37
answer #5
answered by MegD22 3
so he's black and your're not....so it wasn't ok where you used to live ...but it's okay now......SO for it ...he sounds like a nice guy who really likes you...I don't see the problem(and I don't see the problem where you used 2 live)...enjoy each other..it's life...have fun...it's not as if you're about to have his children...(or maybe you are--that'd be okay too).
2006-11-05 04:22:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
your ques. is in gay lisb bi trans/ sister thats a hetero question I would say no to him /Just tell him hes a nice guy . and you dont fill for him in the long run it will be better for you . dont sale yourself short. its not like you need a life perserver is it.
2006-11-05 01:23:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'm going to resist the urge to totally verbally destroy you... and just leave it as "If you want to go out with him, do it".
2006-11-05 00:30:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
you need to answer this one yourself. can you get past your own bias? if you can and you want ot date him do so. never let others opinions dictate to you what or who you should do.
2006-11-05 14:01:33
answer #9
answered by jusme 5
I guess you have to ask yourself if he's worth the awkwardness
2006-11-05 00:31:46
answer #10
answered by pressersf 2