Is this website good?
I designed this website for my cross country team, and I would just like some feedback on it. Please tell me what you think and give me any suggestions on how to improve it or what to change. (the site isn't completely finished)
I think that it should be acknowledged that I am 15 and this is the first site that I've ever designed (I did, however, have experience with other types of design)
For those in doubt - I designed, wrote the codes, scripts and even the news articles myself. Also, all of the photos were taken by me.
9 answers
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Computers & Internet
➔ Internet
to Radiohead: The Athletes Profiles page doesn't work cause I haven't gotten around to making it yet.
Good idea with putting me first in the results. I would certainly like to do that, but my coach and about half of my team know about it (that would explain the 200+ people on the ticker on the bottom), so it wouldn't work.
12:29:12 ·
update #1