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Is this website good?


I designed this website for my cross country team, and I would just like some feedback on it. Please tell me what you think and give me any suggestions on how to improve it or what to change. (the site isn't completely finished)

I think that it should be acknowledged that I am 15 and this is the first site that I've ever designed (I did, however, have experience with other types of design)

For those in doubt - I designed, wrote the codes, scripts and even the news articles myself. Also, all of the photos were taken by me.

2006-11-04 12:15:15 · 9 answers · asked by Ilya 4 in Computers & Internet Internet

to Radiohead: The Athletes Profiles page doesn't work cause I haven't gotten around to making it yet.

Good idea with putting me first in the results. I would certainly like to do that, but my coach and about half of my team know about it (that would explain the 200+ people on the ticker on the bottom), so it wouldn't work.

2006-11-04 12:29:12 · update #1

9 answers

That's quite impressive, and a very clean and simple site. One thing I do like is that your flash animation is fast. There's one thing I can't stand and that's slow Flash animation. I'm always looking for the skip button.

Your Athlete's (or should that be Athletes'?) Profiles doesn't have a working link, but you probably knew that.

As it's a test site for the moment, you should have bumped up your placings and put yourself in first place of the results ;o)

2006-11-04 12:24:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Over the years I've been instructed by means of a couple of folks that I appear like Gary Oldman, and different folks have instructed me that I appear like Russell Crowe. Kind of stressful as one is now fifty one, the opposite is forty five and I've handiest just lately became 30

2016-09-01 07:16:52 · answer #2 · answered by gombos 4 · 0 0

Nothing needs to be changed! Wow, you're only 15? That's amazing!

2006-11-04 12:19:49 · answer #3 · answered by Andy 2 · 0 0

Very nice! I'm not really too experienced in Flash, and I tend to stay away from it, but it looks really nice. Maybe I'll start using flash.

2006-11-04 12:19:58 · answer #4 · answered by TheCanIndian_Dude 2 · 0 0

Wow, you put me to shame, lol. It's really good for a first website.

2006-11-04 12:46:31 · answer #5 · answered by Blue-♥-Berry 6 · 0 0

Well i had fun with the banner... You type what ever you want and a non sexy women speaks the text to you. I had to use it for jokes in the sexual realm.

2006-11-04 12:19:44 · answer #6 · answered by Greek 3 · 0 1

Hey i think is greal in fact i love it good job

2006-11-04 12:20:02 · answer #7 · answered by ceni40 3 · 0 0

impressive but not catchy ...! whats the message you are trying to convey ?

2006-11-04 12:29:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's terrific! Is that you on the picture if it is your hot!

2006-11-05 04:05:59 · answer #9 · answered by Beckerzz(: 2 · 0 0

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