interesting answers.......i believe that capitalism runs by the dollar bill,there will always be the have and have nots of this kind of system,simple because one needs the other to survive,the biggest advantage is the random success that capitalism can produce,the biggest disadvanthge is the different classes of people that it produces in order for it to function,so i guess one just has to do the best they can.........
2006-11-04 12:13:03
answer #1
answered by gry w 3
Jonathon --
Could it be that the reason you're not getting wealthier is that you're living in a country that is too heavily regulated? I mean, that 40% tax to pay for your health insurance has got to discourage anyone from working hard!
If you make "profitless capitalism" then you won't have capitalism. Why should I work if I can't keep the profits of my work? Isn't there an old word for the concept of taking profits -- "THEFT"??
You know, we don't have that 2-3 week deal here in the USA. I know, you think your system is better, but at least everyone here gets treated as soon as medically possible. And the vast majority of us are covered by some sort of health insurance.
I agree with the other posts... go get training, and find a job that pays well. Or, go start a profitable business! Then vote for a government that doesn't believe that half of what you make is theirs (to be distributed to people who don't work).
2006-11-04 11:03:20
answer #2
answered by geek49203 6
Get involved with your government, work for a party or independent. vote. I voted in every election since 1992, I don't always win but I have let may voice been heard.
I have heard in Canada the taxes are pretty high, so it makes running your own business pretty hard. If it gets that bad look to move to another country.
2006-11-04 10:58:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Quit crying. How about you learn to make something of yourself? Opportunity is endless. I started my business and built it myself.
You get what you deserve in Canada. Your country is a bunch of spoiled socialists. You want everything and will earn nothing. Your middle class is vanishing because of the socialist government you have.
Your health care system is corrupt because it is not privately run. You bash capitalism when you live in a society that is more socialist than free.
2006-11-04 10:51:18
answer #4
answered by Chainsaw 6
RE: health care / Two solutions
Anything you can do to support and promote these will stop the waste and free up resources needed for universal health care:
(1) Support teaching hospitals that offer free medical education in exchange for public service in HMO clinics. There is a good program in Bethesda MD. Doctors Without Borders and other charities and ministries also promote free medical help.
(2) Research and resources for healing and spiritual treatment
In the book "Healing" by Francis MacNutt (edition 2000 or later) medical studies have proven the healing effect of prayer when applied in conjunction with science, medicine and therapy.
Such studies and research will reduce the incidence and cost of medical treatment through better prevention and cure. Mental and physical illness are many times symptoms of spiritual sickness that is too often neglected instead of treating the whole person. By addressing all levels, medical costs will go down with resources reserved only for the most serious illnesses that cannot be prevented or treated any other way.
I recommend "Healing" which can be bought online, or contact
RE: Economic reform
Three other solutions:
(1) Microcredit financing and business education. Grameen Bank just won a Nobel Prize for their work to eradicate poverty by investing loans and business training in low-income communities. This method works to break the cycle of financial imbalance that has everyone so frustrated. By starting your own business, or investing in others, you can influence the economy just as much as anyone else. Watch who you work for, which companies you patronize, and where and who gets your money.
Every dollar you spend, every hour that you work, you are basically "voting" to support one system of values or ethics or another. Make sure this is consistent with your core beliefs.
(2) Alternative currency and cooperative economics/fair trade
See "Ithaca Hours" in NY or "Time Bank" in Washington D.C. as an example of a barter bank where credits are recorded or swapped.
The Federal Reserve is criticized as a private bank that makes profit off interest on the national debt. The IMF has also been protested for enslaving poor countries whose GNP goes into servicing debt instead of investing in local development.
Systems of bartering, or local currency that keeps capital circulating within the community, promote equal value of people's time and energy while advertising for local businesses.
Students for "fair trade" promote "coops" where local workers retain more of their profits rather than corporations reaping disproportionate profits from their labor.
Support locally owned banks and businesses, and encourage others to patronize "fair trade" companies and to boycott those that do not. Either through legislation or market demand, global corporations will eventually be made to invest in developing instead of exploiting communities.
(3) Civil rights education
Corporations claim rights of personhood, yet exercise collective authority and resources similar to government, without equal checks and balances. So this creates the political and economic imbalance. We complain of immigrants claiming rights in this county while corporations exert more power domestically or in foreign countries than residents in either.
By respecting and enforcing equal Constitutional rights and standards, under the Bill of Rights and Fourteenth Amendment,
and the Code of Ethics for Government Service, all people can enjoy equal protection of rights and interests, due process, and security without fear of oppression by government or corporations. We must enforce equal checks and balances for government, corporations, or any collective institution that otherwise threatens individuals and the consent of the governed.
This is best done by education, but may lead to legislation if necessary to establish these standards equally for all.
Everything you do makes a difference. Invest your time, energy and money in what you believe. You will influence change, and encourage others to do the same by your example. Good luck!
2006-11-04 15:30:58
answer #5
answered by emilynghiem 5
Honest leaders need to sweep out the Neoconservatives who have stolen the term "Conservative" from Liberals who work to "conserve" the US Constitution. Neoconservatives have also Stolen the Republican Party from Real Republicans.
Republicans like these secretly want Neocons OUT but are afraid to speak up during an election:
What's left is deliberate confusion being created by Neocons so that lines are drawn and citizens are reduced down to the lowest level of humanity, like this:
2006-11-04 10:52:32
answer #6
answered by Reba K 6