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I have been working in a shop for a while and most of my great and very friendly colleagues are girls, only the manager and assistant manager are guys. So anyway, I'm having great time with my collagues but I do fear that one girl thinks I'm trying to steal her from her bf, but I only want to be her friend (i'm gay)!!
I drove home with her and his bf and I think he was bit rude to me, he might be jealous (for no reason).
I'm closeted, unless I go to a gay bar lol, so what I should do, should I tell my work-gals that I'm gay so they don't need to worry that I'm trying to get into their pants?

2006-11-04 06:53:52 · 11 answers · asked by Orpheus 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

11 answers

I really do not think it is necessary to broadcast this whether you are gay or straight. Just be yourself and don't worry if someone is jealous.....that is thier problem. Maybe you will make those other guys work a little harder at being a better boyfriend and help your GF co workers in the end. Besides, I think that is a very personal thing and not needed to be known by the world and once you share your sexual preferance you may even lose friends and have problems in the work place. Really not a place that anyone needs to discuss their sexual preferance anyway.

2006-11-04 07:00:12 · answer #1 · answered by SKY 1 · 3 0

You could always ask them their feelings on same-sex marriage while on a friendly conversation. Or even gay or lesbian topics, like how do they feel about gay or lesbian celebrities like Ellen Degeneres or Elton John, etc. And if they're for okay with them, then be honest and come out to them. Even if they don't agree with s-s marriage, well, u can always come out to them when and if you're ready. Or u can always start with that one girl w/ a bf. She might be in to you that's why her bf might be jealous coz I know partners usually feel stuff like that. Use your discretion, if u feel it's time to tell them then do so, however, if u don't feel it's the proper time yet or u still have doubts, then don't. Good luck.

2006-11-04 07:56:39 · answer #2 · answered by mags 3 · 0 0

im gonna go with crazy. but she might like a boy so she's telling the boys she a bi, so they will go out with her, and she likes a girl, so she's telling them she's just Les. its confusing, I know, but just don't have anything to do with her. she's clearly stressed and confused, the girls at work might be pressuring her into becoming a lesbian, so she is pretending to be, but she's not really. she might like the boys, and tells them she's a bi so if they talk to the lesbian girls about her being a lesbian, then they won't get to sus. I don't know? good luck

2016-05-21 23:27:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your sexual orientation is really a personal issue. You probably shouldn't make some sort of Elton John-style press release announcement, but if you feel that you must say something, drop a hint in casual conversation some day. Something like, "My boyfriend and I went to the movies and.....". Something subtle and non-dramatic.

2006-11-04 07:00:12 · answer #4 · answered by badkitty1969 7 · 2 0

Why dont you just use suggestive behavior and let them find out for themselves. Dont be crude or vulger but maybe do stuff that would make them think you were gay if your not ready to come out. That way you dont have to actually come out and say it they will have already thought it.

2006-11-04 06:59:56 · answer #5 · answered by no name 1 · 0 0

Be careful with your confession esp if it may negatively affect your working conditions and relations with the administration etc..If everything is safe about it, you may confess it -only if you want to- not to clarify yourself from some unreal charges or to justify your innocence..

2006-11-04 07:07:47 · answer #6 · answered by ddyk 3 · 2 0

If you feel a lot of the tension around work and you is sexual, then it might be best to put their minds at ease and tell them.

2006-11-04 07:01:16 · answer #7 · answered by Black Dragon 5 · 0 0

If you think they'll accept you and that it won't get in the way of work. It depends on the type of people you work with.

2006-11-04 06:56:43 · answer #8 · answered by Rageling 4 · 0 0

it really is none of their business u come out when you feel its time to to hell with what others think you need to make yourself ahppy just dont go and think that they know and try to make a move on someone! i know you sound smart though good luck and god bless :)

2006-11-04 07:17:36 · answer #9 · answered by lita 5 · 0 0

honesty is the best policy , tell them ,

2006-11-04 07:02:06 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

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