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what do you guys think and please give me helpful hints

2006-11-04 02:42:54 · 17 answers · asked by sexyice82 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

17 answers

As a Muslim, let me tell you its a great religion -- really satisfies the soul.

It is a COMPLETE way of life for an individual. It is also the most moderate of religions, in that it has a deep spiritual side as well as a deep practical side. For example, when you pray 5 times a die, you pray directly to God, just you and Him. As a Muslim you believe in Jesus, Moses, all the other Prophets, INCLUDING Muhammad (peace be upon them all).

Its a great religion. Do NOT listen to what the media says.. learn about it from the sources yourself, dont depend on others. www.whyislam.org

Regarding your situation, as a Muslim, your husband will probably become more kind and modest. He would also start praying 5 times a day (dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, night), fast during the month of Ramadan, should go on the pilgrimage to Mecca once in his life, give charity, and believe in one God.

Be supportive of his decisions. Important: Do not hold him back from practicing his religion. He can not force you to practice, but you should not force him NOT to practice. Dont let it become an issue in your relationship, thats key. Remember that. Its a religion for him. I have personal experience with this. Do not make him choose girl vs. God, unless you really dont want him.

Who knows, maybe you'll become Muslim too!

Well, best of luck, I hope it works out.

2006-11-04 02:53:01 · answer #1 · answered by Ibrahim 3 · 2 2

tough situation, without slamming islam or any religion, where will this put your relationship? you know your husband ( i hope)
is he tolerant of others? will it be okay that you are not a muslim?
will he expect you to convert to. does he know what is asked of muslims? these are all serious issues, no matter what religion he chooses. he seems to be looking for answers, maybe his questions and yours are not the same...this could lead to bad feelings, seperation or a stronger bond between you two,
my suggestion is to get a neutral third party and sit down with your
husband and discuss the possible ramifications of becoming a muslim in the u.s., esp. in light of what is going on in the world.
it may be a hard road ahead for all of you

2006-11-04 10:54:36 · answer #2 · answered by universalist49 2 · 1 0

well,i suggest that u would sit and ask him what did attract him most about Islam and try 2 discuss it 2together...sis ,there is no compulsion in religion...according to ur point of view he is TOTALLY insane and wrong.however he may be right..so why dont u open a good open minded discussion with him..u may find his point of view rational...as a Muslimah,i am telling u that islam purifies the soul and believe me all what is said that it deprive women from their rights and sooo on is completely wrong...these r gay ppl who claim to be muslims...just like when some christians r extremists and do some wird stuff,so shall i call every christian an extremist or a terrorist? u may also visit www.islamtomorrow.com and www.chatislam.com u may serach about Islam ur self,alone,in ur room without any pressure(coz its always claimed that Islam is taught by violence,which is completely wrong coz peace is the message of Islam and peace is the islamic greeting as well so,Assalamu alaykom -peace be on u all ....plz contact me if u feel like talking to any one :) take care

2006-11-04 10:52:01 · answer #3 · answered by Maryam 2 · 1 0

If you wish to follow him in his conversion, this wouldn't make any bad thing tho. Islamic is beautiful and always seek truths, emphasis in personal growth and forbid negative construction and evilness.
Anyway, I'm a Christian aged 16, and these should be understood by more people.

And the sole thin' here is: Would you still love him after his conversion into Islam?

2006-11-04 11:06:24 · answer #4 · answered by Bradley 2 · 0 0

Many people think of terrorists when they think of Muslim. If you don't fully understand Muslim, it may be a good idea to study up on it and learn what it teaches. If that is where your husband feels comfortable, you should support him.

2006-11-04 10:55:05 · answer #5 · answered by gc27858 4 · 2 1

I would have a serious talk with him and if he insists on becoming a muslim, get out of there as quick as possible.

2006-11-04 12:33:19 · answer #6 · answered by 14Words 3 · 1 1

islam is a belief,u cant stop someone to believe somethin coz he already believed..if u think u dont want ur husband to become a muslim then just spilt over with him

2006-11-04 12:40:04 · answer #7 · answered by Tara 6 · 1 2

i think it's the right choice!! Islam makes a lot of sense.

tell him to make sure this is what he wants and to study Islam well.
and ask God to guide him and i'm sure that he will be guided.

you too should give Islam a chance, learn about Islam, read the Quran and see for yourself.


2006-11-04 10:47:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Is he "that" possesive that he wants you to be in a burka and put in the basement like I do my wife? (with out the burka of course, because its hard on her to bring up the washing and may trip on the steps :) LOL!!).

Tell him that he will not make it into Heaven if he doesnt trust in JESUS CHRIST who sacraficed HIS life, for our Sins, (those who believe in HIM and repent and are baptised, plus live a Christian life...which isnt easy!).

Maybe he is going to "jihad" against his enemies? hmmm Does he like your side of the family? If a brother in law, or Mother in law comes up missing, I would look at him first!

I wish you well..


2006-11-04 10:48:56 · answer #9 · answered by x 7 · 0 3


its LESBIAN, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered

LEBANESE, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered

2006-11-04 11:11:47 · answer #10 · answered by imaginary friend 5 · 0 0

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