Alabama Camellia Camellia
Alaska Forget Me Not Myosotis alpestris
Arizona Saguaro Cactus Blossom Carnegiea gigantea
Arkansas Apple Blossom Pyrus coronaria
California California Poppy Eschscholtzia californica
Colorado Rocky Mountain Columbine Aquilegia caerules
Connecticut Mountain laurel Kalmia latifolia
Delaware Peach Blossom Prunus persica
Florida Orange Blossom Citrus sinensis
Georgia Cherokee Rose Rosa laevigata
Hawaii Pua Aloalo Hibiscus brackenridgei
Idaho Syringa - Mock Orange Philadelphus lewisii
Illinois Purple Violet Viola
Indiana Peony Peony
Iowa Wild Prairie Rose Rosa pratincola
Kansas Sunflower Helianthus annuus
Kentucky Goldenrod Solidago altissima
Louisiana Magnolia Magnolia
Maine White pine cone and tassel Pinus strobus, linnaeus
Maryland Black-eyed susan Rudbeckia hirta
Massachusetts Trailing-Arbutus Epigaea regens
Michigan Apple Blossom Pyrus coronaria
Minnesota Pink and white lady's-slipper Cypripedium reginae
Mississippi Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora
Missouri Hawthorn Crataegus
Montana Bitterroot Lewisia rediviva
Nebraska Goldenrod Soldiago gigantea
Nevada Sagebrush Artemisia tridentata
New Hampshire Purple lilac Syringa vulgaris
New Jersey Violet Viola sororia
New Mexico Yucca flower Yucca glauca
New York Rose Rosa
North Carolina American Dogwood Cornus florida
North Dakota Wild Prairie Rose Rosa arkansana
Ohio Scarlet Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus
Oklahoma Mistletoe Phoradendron serotinum
Oregon Oregon Grape Berberis aquifolium
Pennsylvania Mountain Laurel Kalmia latiflolia
Rhode Island Violet Viola
South Carolina Yellow Jessamine Gelsemium sempervirens
South Dakota Pasque Flower Ppulsatilla hirsutissima
Tennessee Iris Iridaceae
Texas Bluebonnet Lupinus
Utah Sego lily Calochortus gunnisonii
Vermont Red Clover Trifolium pratense
Virginia American Dogwood Cornus florida
Washington Coast Rhododendron Rhododendron macrophyllum
West Virginia Rhododendron Rhododendron maximum
Wisconsin Wood Violet Viola papilionacea
Wyoming Indian Paintbrush Castilleja linariaefolia
2006-11-04 01:50:47
answer #1
answered by DemoDicky 6
Etymology is the be taught of the history of words and how their variety and which potential have replaced by way of the years. For languages with a protracted written history, etymologists hire texts in those languages, and texts with regard to the languages, to collect understanding approximately how words have been used at until now tiers, and whilst they entered the languages in question. Etymologists additionally prepare the approaches of comparative linguistics to reconstruct advice approximately languages that are too previous for any direct advice to be available. by potential of interpreting correct languages with a fashion customary by using fact the comparative approach, linguists could make inferences approximately their shared discern language and its vocabulary. in this way, observe roots have been discovered which could be traced all the some time past to the commencing place of, case in point, the Indo-eu language relatives. even nevertheless etymological learn initially grew from the philological custom, in recent times lots etymological learn is done on language households the place little or no early documentation is obtainable, which includes Uralic and Austronesian
2016-12-28 12:31:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's too long to answer your question with all 50 states, but I'll give you a few:
Florida - "flowery", from the Spanish
Louisiana - named after a French Queen Louise
Maryland - named after a British Queen Mary
The Dakotas - named after an Indian tribe that lived there.
2006-11-04 01:48:15
answer #3
answered by Hi y´all ! 6
Nevada: snow-covered
Michigan: (from ancient Aztec language) fish-filled waters
Colorado: red (colored) land
Arizona: dry zone
New Mexico: OBVIOUS
Texas: (named after tejas) a red tile ised for homes/construction of dwellings
Vermont: french for "green mountains"
Pennsylvania: Named after Penn
Virginia/West Virginia: named after the Queen Victoria
Georgia: named after King George
2006-11-04 01:55:06
answer #4
answered by esw5678 1
Google all of the states. It would take to long for me to do it for you
2006-11-04 01:45:58
answer #5
answered by » mickdotcom « 5
Try this site:
Or these:
2006-11-04 01:51:25
answer #6
answered by dontknow 5
Actually Louisiana is King Louis the 14th.
Maine = The Mainland
Colorado = Red
Washington = DUH
2006-11-04 01:51:14
answer #7
answered by Kacky 7