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any idea on this 2 questions?
1. what must a plaintiff prove to succeed?
2. how court interpret the relationship between the employer and employee?

2006-11-03 16:54:33 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

1 answers

The plaintiff must prove four things.

1. There was a duty (e.g. - don't hit me with your car).

2. There was a breach of the duty (e.g. - you ran over me).

3. Damages (e.g. - my leg was broken).

4. Causation (e.g. - the wreck is what caused my injury).

State legislatures have gone all over the map on the employer/employee relationship. Basically, the employer has a duty to provide a safe work environment. If you are a beekeeper, your employer must make sure you have a bee suit so you don't get stung to death.

2006-11-03 17:07:00 · answer #1 · answered by Jesus Jones 4 · 0 0

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