It's our school system's fault...we are required one year of American History and one year of World History...but all we learn about in World is maps and Wars. Most of us have not traveled because it's too expensive...everything here is too expensive! I haven't moved more than 50 miles from my birthplace, nor have most of the people I know. Family traditions I suppose.
2006-11-04 17:40:56
answer #1
answered by ღღღ 7
I think its not the fault of the general American people, they have lived a very sheltered lives and with a lot of lies generated by the politicians.
I have travelled a bit and where ever you meet an American, very few countries, you will see that he will always try and find another Amercan to make friends with, he will not try to make friends locally and learn about culture etc, if he / she did then they can carry the same knowledge back home and educate their friends and family.
To be considered GODS, is not the best thing in life, Amercans try to rule the World and try to influence their control over everyone.
In Amerca when I was there, I met a lot of people, some were so friendly, others thought you were an alien and out to colonise their world.
Amercans need to travel basically and when travelling keep mounth closed.
It is said that you have one mouth and two ears, Americans should what they have more out of these two, EARS.
By the way ENGLAND is not a country, Ask Bush and he will tell you that its another state of USA, LONG LIVE BUSH.
2006-11-04 02:47:56
answer #2
answered by bespoiltbyme 1
Being married to an American (and being British myself) I've noticed something.
America is a very big place and as such the news and media has enough to cover just that country and in some cases just one city or state. Not many Americans actually watch or take notice of the news in my experience and those that do get a diluted view of things dependant upon which political movement owns the particular channel the news they watch is on and the news tends to be shaped to fit the political views of the stations owners. An example I have experienced is the coverage on ABC of the middle east. In particular anything to do with Isreal when I was over there to visit the in-laws for a few weeks.
A Palestinian suicide bomber had killed 3 people on a bus in Tel-Aviv. Now this isn't a good thing by any stretch of the imagination but ABC dedicated 5 minutes of their world news to this with no mention that the same day Isreali rocket attacks on the Gaza Strip had killed 20 or so children because it hit a school (I saw this on BBC News 24 who gave both incidents equal coverage)Now both acts to me are abhorent and required equal analysis by any self respecting news broadcaster but because of Americas stance regarding being a close ally of Isreal there was no way that ABC would criticise the Isrealis.
I did point this out for another question but it got removed by yahoo for being against their regulations. Whereas my rather tasteless jokes about muslim woman looking like Ninja's got absolutely no blocking at all... So I guess that tells you where the people who regulate Yahoo answers come from doesn't it.
It's all too easy to yank bash and your question could have been asked in a better way as well as answered by people better "You're retarded" hardly adds to the intellectual tone of the debate I'd say and you do raise a couple of points.
You could say that a lot of poorer people from the UK don't know a lot either though. It's just that there's more Americans than us so you notice the stupid ones more.
2006-11-04 00:57:15
answer #3
answered by Martin G 4
I think the attitude is that anything outside the borders is alien. An Australian once told me about an encounter with an American woman at some famous site in the US. She informed him that she was a teacher and she knew that the capital of Australia was Canberra. She then asked him if he knew what the capital of the USA was. Being totally underwhelmed by her knowledge he said, 'New York,' and was highly amused when the woman almost jumped up and down with delight and said, 'No, it's Washington.'
An American friend, who was the controller of a USA company based in Switzerland and doing business throughout Europe, told me that the President of the company was coming to Europe. Before he started his journey she asked him if his Passport was in order. 'What you mean, passport? I've got a goddam driver's licence!'
During his visit, on a Friday afternoon when they were due to travel to the Netherlands on Monday morning, (before the Euro) she suggested that he might want to get some Guilders. 'Why would I need to change money?' Sensing problems, she asked him if he knew what the Netherlands was? The answer: 'It's a province of Germany. 'For God's sake don't say that when we're there. They'll almost certainly stop trading with us.'
During the war in ex-Yugoslavia I was seriously concerned for Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania after CNN higlighted the Balkan States on the Baltic.
On the other hand, Thomas Gray said, 'where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise'? A motto which could be adopted by George W. Bush.
2006-11-04 05:33:55
answer #4
answered by cymry3jones 7
Sad to say, but a lot of my countrymen are an embarassment. I'm one of those ones who has traveled, and I gotta tell ya, I've met as many ignorant, prejudice, arrogant, jerks throughout Europe as I have in the US. Y'all seem to forget that the US is bigger than western Europe, and the majority of the 50 states are bigger than most of your individual countries. Not trying to be arrogant, just adding some perspective.
The range of diversity here is at least equal as there, in some respects, I'd argue more so. Language, culture, education, income, politics, religion, etc, all of it is all over the map. Unfortunately, our biggest idiots are often the loudest and most visible. But as far as stereotyping goes... if you are judging us by the media, the folks who play at Y/A, or the far right conservative creeps in the White House, then you're definitely not getting the flavor of what many people are really like here.
Of course, I live in the SF Bay Area for a reason.... cuz dang, some of those stereotypes ya hold, well, truth is they are more true for certain parts of the country than others. Doesn't mean it's not the same in other parts of the world, tho. ;)
2006-11-04 01:24:54
answer #5
answered by Alex62 6
Alot of it has to do with how people raise their children and what they are taught or havent been taught in school, that there is so much that they have yet to discover about themselves and other cultures,. However-You have to be the more intellegent one and understand that even though we are moving farther and faster in to the future , there are so many people that have been left behind in the dark because they havent awaken yet and some may never even reach that level of intellegence until they leave this world. I may not spell that good but , I am awake and I am here and suffer so much becuase of peoples ignorance and im not the only one going through it, alot of us are and nothing will change until we become intelegent to know the difference . I wish i had a better heart because I hate stupidity and what it does to people , but Iam stupid also in the sense that I am a bitter person that wants nothing to do with people who are not on my level. My only hope for the future is to become a better stronger secure person, secure enough to tell the truth and not be afraid to hurt someones feelings because they werent taught or dont see how ignorant they can be.
2006-11-04 00:23:32
answer #6
answered by 3
Listen to what you hear yourself saying. What kind of none sense is this your asking? That's like me saying...How is it that Brits don't know anything about the rest of the world? I am from the US and I find it interesting other curious matters or questions individuals have from around the world. I have to say. Your either very young (age wise) or you must have been bored when you put this question out. Or maybe you just enjoy the "shock value" of not asking anything else on an intelligent level. My best friend is from England...and it has been a joy just listening to her and learning a great deal from her. As a matter of fact...I look forward to visiting England next summer. So how's that for "not knowing anything about the rest of the world?"
2006-11-04 00:48:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It is a true fact that Americans do not move more than 50 miles from their birth place. And that is true for half of the Americans. I hope that I will not be one of them. I'd like to reside in the UK myself.
I love to travel, and I want to learn about other cultures. In fact, I like European culture better than American.
A lot of Americans think America is the best place in the world, and they love it so much. Or they can not afford to travel to other countries ( like me but I will someday ).
I really hate it that Americans seem so ignorant. I feel that it makes Americans as a whole look bad.
2006-11-04 00:01:24
answer #8
answered by Sarah* 7
It's a combination of things I think. I mean, how many classes did you take that explained or mentioned countries outside America in anything other than a historical context? After school, it just becomes a habit. Many other countries require learning about another place (or other places), if only knowing the basics. I have to admit that, for a nation that likes to stick it's nose in everyone else's business, we (the US in general) is pretty good at isolating itself from what's actually going on.
2006-11-04 00:07:22
answer #9
answered by paganchilde 1
Maybe it's because they care more about themselves and want to preserve the American way of life[too busy to bother about others], You could ask the same question about any country and you'll find that Americans are not so different, anyway let's stop American bashing, just because you disagree with their view point doesn't mean that their all bad. It's WRONG to hate someone because of their birthplace or because they lack geographical education. If Americans wish to stay in their cocoons then let them it shouldn't matter to us.
2006-11-04 01:08:42
answer #10
answered by Tws 3