The best way to teach a child their phone number is to break it down into the two (or three, if you include the area code) natural groupings.
Using 234-5678 as an example, have the child learn 234 as a group of numbers for a few days. When he can recite this to you anytime you ask, add the next group of 5678. People tend to group things together to make them easier to remember. Once the child knows the entire number, show them how to use the telephone properly, and let them call home.
Don't assume that the child will remember the telephone number in a week. Ask him every day for about two weeks and then every 2 to 3 days for a month. After that, maybe once a week.
2006-11-03 18:45:44
answer #1
answered by RDW928 3
Have them repeat it a few times. You're not teaching them about there, their, and they're, are you?
2006-11-03 17:37:59
answer #3
answered by Bestie 6