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What are you teaching your children so that racism isn't passed on through them? How do you address racial stereotypes with them?

2006-11-03 07:20:25 · 6 answers · asked by Thunderman9 6 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

It's unfortunate to get answers like the first one.

2006-11-03 08:23:56 · update #1

6 answers

We should teach our children that all people are created equal but that some people are not taught to love and they only express hatred towards others. Expose your children to other cultures, teach them other languages and spend time helping them to be tolerant and empathetic with others. Racism, will not end, only dissipate over time like a drop of water spreading out over a body of still water. The civil rights movement in the US taught us this.

You address racial sterotypes by not acknowledging them or by reclaiming them and changing their meaning. It is no one person's task to teach children to be loving and accepting of all people. It is everyone's responsibility to talk to children about why people may be different and how to understand the differences. In school. at home, with friends, with family, in camp etc... Allowing a child to get away with making comments or believing stereotypes distorts the childs point of view of the world to a fake reality. Do your kids a favor and share with them the beauty of other cultures and not the misconceptions.

Some of my friends have done the following:
Attend a different church or place of worship for a day
Sponsor a child in a foreign country
Watch local public television programming of culture
Let your child have a pen pal
Volunteer at your child's school to teach about your culture
I teach a fun program about Japan and Africa
Visit the library and have your child read a book about another culture and write a report
Visit a local museum of history and explain the cultures

2006-11-03 07:40:40 · answer #1 · answered by J C 1 · 1 0

we cant end racism. we dont stay in a acceptable "go away it to beaver" international like we'd all wish for. minus the creepy happiness each and all of the time ofcourse. to end racism we'd ought to circulate in direction of the previous days way of issues (extermination) which shouldn't in any respect take place returned.

2016-10-21 05:13:54 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

One thing I tried to teach my children when they were younger was whether they decide to believe in creationism, or evolution we all came from the same origin.

2006-11-03 07:29:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i like JC's answer he summed it up perfectly, no race is better than another, we are all different in our own ways!!!! which is unique and i love it, some people think all black men are loud and ignorant while others think white men are serial killers, we all have pros and cnos about our races, which makes us equal but its all about what u choose to do with what u hear!!!!

2006-11-03 08:00:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We hang out with a lot of people of different races and don't say anything at all about it.

2006-11-03 07:28:51 · answer #5 · answered by Kacky 7 · 1 0

I dont know. For now my daughter knows nothing about black /white. I'm sure someone will make an effort to show her. The Bastard!(:

2006-11-03 07:26:48 · answer #6 · answered by peacfulwar 3 · 0 1

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