Yes, most people are stupid, and besides that they live in their own little worlds, and don't care about anything but theirselves, so they litter, they pollute the water, and they fight wars. If everyone would stop and really take a good look around, then maybe they would start to care, but that propably won't happen, so its up to people like you and me, to try to make a difference.
2006-11-03 03:33:51
answer #1
answered by Gaia Weeps 3
Yes and no. Uneducated absolutely! We rape the planet because some people don't know any better, or just don't care. The problem is that we haver spent 100's of years trying to find the best use out of things that end up hurting the planet, i.e. oil. If we could find any other source in this world that we can use to the maximum potential that we have discovered to use oil, we probably would.
This is a world of convience and people want things faster and better, no matter the damage. They want to drive a brand new sports car instead of a hybrid or electrical or even a natural gas car. People are stupid in this regard, they do not see the future, they do not see anything beyond themselves sometimes.
As to why we fight wars, it depends. I do not think wars is a sign of stupidity. I think wars is a sign of desperation. War should always be the last straw.Diplomacy and discussion and world leaders finding common ground for what's best for the people should come first but sometimes it just doesn't work out. Killing each other is the stupidest thing we as people can do but, without it....where would we be?
There would be no United States, and the founding fathers would have been hung for treason. Heck with out the original wars, all of the world would probabaly still just be groups of tribes trying to get along.
But, there are stupid reasons for war and those that fight for that, are wrong. They are beyond stupid. They are murderers.
World War 2 had a reason to save people lives and future to stop a culture who was massacre others just because they could.
The war right now is contrevesial. Originally the U.S. went to catch the bad guys and prevent another Sept. 11 from ever happening. A good solid reason. But, now we do not know if it has become something else if it is about something else. Yes, the people over there deserve democracy and freedom, but I don't think they want it. Most countries who want things like freedom have always fought for themselves and then got help. The war now is not stupid, if it is for the originally reason but, if it is for money or power, or just to prove everybody wrong, then those who make the soldiers go to war there are STUPID! But, never the soldiers, they are doing what they think is best, serving their country, serving those they love.
2006-11-03 03:54:52
answer #2
answered by nle424 2
Names, names!
2006-11-03 03:48:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
We are not raping the planet. We fight wars to protect ourselves. Did you forget 9-11? The stupid people are the ones who do not understand that there are people out there that are evil. I suppose it was wrong to fight Hitler. Maybe when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor that was our fault too and we should have just let them get away with it. Maybe if someone close to you is killed by a terrorist you will understand. You enjoy your freedom don't you. The reason you have what you have is because of planet raping and War mongering. I am so tired of listening to liberals that enjoy so much and give back so little. You are so quick to criticize but you never come up with ideas or solutions. You just complain. Stop complaining and do something.
2006-11-03 03:39:36
answer #4
answered by goodtimesgladly 5
Yes, some people are stupid enough to destroy their own future and future of next generations by fighting wars and destroying the nature's balance on the earth.
Some are not stupid, but oversmart or they use their intelligence and resources for wrong reasons or say materialistic gains.
And most people on this earth, (no offence) including many of us, are ignorant. And ignorance is no less harmful than all the evil in this world.
Autocrats assure us that nuclear power is safe and cheap. But that is untrue. Nuclear power is very expensive and extremely dangerous. Major industries are destroying the marine life and wildlife and we consume those products. We are also responsible of greenhouse emissions. This world has become a scary place and it is on its way towards destruction.
They are only handful of people who are trying to spread awareness and do something to save this earth.
I've already started to contribute as much as I can. If you really care about the environment and our future, read the articles by scientist and environmentalist David Suzuki. Google it and find how we can save our future by doing some basic and simple things.
2006-11-03 04:14:54
answer #5
answered by ricci 3
To say people are stupid is to over simplify. We the final analysis.....only animals. We have the ability to reason and have come to believe most other animals do not. However with that reasoning comes all the emotions we were endowed with.
Hate, Love, Lust, greed.......
As a result we often do not think with what is between our ears. We go with what we have been most influenced to believe.
If we are taught to be a peaceful and loving person, for everyone, we will act so. If we have been taught that another person, different from us, is somehow subhuman, and not worthy to be on this planet, we will find no problem with killing them because after all they are not worthy.
No other animal on earth does what we do. All others may kill but only for survival. Most will simply avoid in order to not be that meal.
And none kill out of hate.
But humans, in our infinite wisdom, somehow believe we hold the key to all things on earth. And the more power we have the more likely we are to use it.
While some of us look at what we are doing to this planet and say we have to stop, others look at it and think we have just begun no need to stop now for to do that would take a step back in time.
We as humans are truly our own worst enemy if every way.
For there is none so blind that will not see.
2006-11-03 03:47:51
answer #6
answered by John B 5
Wait, the manner in which you present your questions and statements indicates that stupid people seemingly wouldn't "rape the planet and fight wars" (it is the curiously placed "then" that indicates an if/then statement). Why wouldn't stupid people do these things? Why wouldn't smart people do these things? How are "rap[ing] the planet" and "fight[ing] wars" an indication of a person's intelligence level? Who, exactly, is having sexual intercourse with a planet in the first place?! How does that even work, mechanically?
So to answer your first question; apparently yes, people are stupid.
2006-11-03 03:51:14
answer #7
answered by Thought 6
We are not stupid,We are just taking in the wrong information on which we base our decisions.Basically it is the same thing as a computer that is fed virus information.I use to base my decisions on the virus infected thinking that was all around me and I got disastrous results and could not figure out why when it was the logical conclusion based on the virus infected type of thinking that I was exposed too.And with the planet of the apes type of virus infected thinking when I was a teenager I did know it all because it is very narrow minded brain dead thinking.God's way is clearly Superior.May God Bless You.
2006-11-03 03:39:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Stupidity should be painful. Imagine how quickly behavior could be modified if every stupid thing hurt. Maybe a little case that was strapped to a body part and when we behaved stupidly a nice shock was applied to your person. Ah sweet thought would start to follow. Now if your really stupid it might only give 10 stupids a day before it just fried you.
2006-11-03 03:33:57
answer #9
answered by Casca 4
Because while we hate to admit and many downright deny it, we are at the basis animals struggling for survival and are faced with competing interests.
Some sources:
The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation by Matt Ridley
Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought by Pascal Boyer
2006-11-03 03:49:25
answer #10
answered by scarlettt_ohara 6
People ARE stupid. But don't categorize all of us as such. There are SOME people who may be able to redeem themselves and be deemed one of the few people who have some sort of intelligence. Usually the people with more open minds are more susceptible to gaining more and more knowledge. And then there are those who search for the truth, no matter what the sacrifice, no matter what the cost...People like me.
2006-11-03 05:06:51
answer #11
answered by third_syren_of_seduction 3