I was misdiagnosed with a terrible disease, the lab made a mistake, I was so freaked out, that I couldn't sleep, kept vomiting from nerves, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy ! MY GOD, I got to KNOW FEAR ! I wanted to fire bomb that lab ! I did call them up and drill them a new assh-le, as well as the nurse that bungled the test, I really blasted her HARD, it almost turned into a police scene at the Dr's office, I feel that I was within my rights, we don't have Nurses anymore, they're shaved Apes from 3rd world country's, I don't even want them touching me.
2006-11-02 19:59:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I walked through a dense cloud of smoke which turned out to be a pesticide to kill mosquitoes when I stepped out a plane into the airport in Bangalore, India for the first time.
I thought, "oh great. I already had to have several shots, am on malaria pills, can't drink the water, have a prescription for Cipro, but it'll probably be this pesticide that kills me." Honestly it was so thick you could barely see in the baggage claim area. All you could do was breathe it in. I knew that at some point I'd probably get sick or die a horrible death.
Well, I'm still alive and I've been back 3 times since and they haven't sprayed like that any more.
2006-11-03 04:02:37
answer #2
answered by nquizzitiv 5
I ran out of petrol (Silly me) Driving home at night in the middle of a forest. My mobile phone had no signal so i had to leave my car and walk towards the nearest phone box/garage whatever i could find so i could ask for help. It was very windy on the night and between gale force winds, the fact that everything looks so different at night and my imagination! I could see things that weren't there! I went past a large pond and ran away so convinced Jason (Friday the 13th) Was about, then i tripped over a root and fell flat on my face. I nearly felt something touch me but it was only my imagination of course! I ran as fast as i could, thought i could hear someone running after me ... My shadow even scared me because it looked as though it was going to catch up with me LOL. Eventually i made it to a garage. I was lucky man there gave me a lift back to my car and let me follow him back to the village. I was terrified LOL
2006-11-03 04:00:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I was alone with my thoughts for a great period of time. During this time, I realized that I did not know who I really was, what the concept of self was, or whether or not I really knew anything about any subject. I then tried to stop thinking about my existence, but found myself taking both sides on every issue. I was at once a fascist and a communist, an atheist and a theist, a Liberal and a Conservative. I'm most afraid of what I don't know, and I obviously cannot know myself.
2006-11-03 04:09:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I got the bill for both my homeowners insurance and taxes in the same week!
and I ran depressed and screaming from the room in utter and complete horror! And slep for the rest of the day to recover from the shock, lost a few pounds and some hair from stress.
2006-11-03 13:30:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Boss asked me for sex and I though it was a joke and he was serious only learned that when i went ot his house to take a report an he and his wife greeted me at the door naked
2006-11-03 12:56:30
answer #6
answered by Cherry Berry 5
When I discovered that I am in love with my best friend's girlfriend
2006-11-03 04:46:41
answer #7
answered by King of Torts 2
had surgery and didn't come out of anesthesia very well. took me hours and hours longer than it should. scared the crap out of my husband and me too.
2006-11-03 03:59:50
answer #8
answered by sillkee1 4
Mine has to be questions that u have put up with.
2006-11-03 03:58:35
answer #9
answered by George 2
i got a job
2006-11-03 04:16:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous