My gay friends say that they knew they were different early on in their lives. I don't think that they chose it. I see they don't have the easiest life. Why would you pick that?
2006-11-03 08:15:00
answer #1
answered by coolsitesguy 3
I answered this somewhere else, but here it is again, my stance on things:
I actually don't believe that we are born with a predetermined sexual orientation. There are too many people who find their sexual preferences changing over time for this to be true, in my opinion.
I do believe, however, that you don't per se CHOOSE/LEARN/BECOME gay. You don't wake up one day and say "Geez, I think I'll eschew women and go for men instead." But just because you didn't choose it doesn't mean it's biologically a part of you, you know? It's not something you can change, I feel. Take this example, for instance- you are a cat lover. You just love your pet kitties. Never been a dog person, thanks. You just know for sure that you wouldn't ever want to own a dog. So, someone says- you choose to love cats. Well, no, you reply, not really. I mean, I just like cats. I've always been that way. Does that mean, then, that there is a cat-loving gene in your body? Of course not. It means that this is a preference in your mind, one that you cannot consciously change, but is not innate, either.
I think that human sexuality is immensely more complex than the labels we have today like gay and straight. I also believe that love is gender blind and a straight man can find himself falling in love with another man, still completely attracted to women and utterly not attracted to men, but emotionally and sexually satisfied with that one man he loves. Our sexual desires come from our personalities, our past experiences, our childhoods, socialization, and more. It's a heady, deliciously messy mix of everything, and it gives us all that's wonderful about our sexuality today, so diverse.
That's my stance on things. I know that a lot of gay/bisexual people claim they are born that way, and I understand why they feel that way. For them, the claim feels true. In my opinion, a lot of straight people call it a choice so they don't have to ask hard questions about God (creating that which He supposedly hates?) and their source of intolerance (how can you hate something that someone never chose to be, like skin color, or, in this case, sexual orientation?). Like I said, I think it's neither, but I don't mind people claiming they were born gay. Just as long as they don't say that all gay people were born gay, or all straight people were born straight, etc., etc.- until they have scientific proof to back that up.
2006-11-03 02:37:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
According to Kinsey the majority of us are bi, although most have a clear preference. In many cultures it was matter of social pressure, among the Ancient Greeks taking a male lover was the only way for a man to get a lover who was his social equal. Among warrior cultures it tends to be the norm, you bond with the people on whom your life depends. Either way, there will always be those who go a certain way, you never saw Plato with a woman, or Xenophon with a man.
2006-11-03 08:02:05
answer #3
answered by ? 7
I believe that for the most part people are born that way or at least with a genetic predisposition for it. I also think that the causes for homosexuality are multifactoral. There has to be several things present at the right time to cause a person to be homosexual.
2006-11-03 07:26:10
answer #4
answered by ♂ Randy W. ♂ 6
Why do some people become heterosexual? Are they born that way or is because they were too close to the mums or dads? And who cares anyway?
2006-11-03 06:05:27
answer #5
answered by camsean73 3
Does it really matter?
Seriously, I'm not be sarcastic. I just don't think it should matter. As long as no one is being hurt, it's all between consenting adults and they've come to terms with whatever "higher power" they may or may not believe in, it's really every individuals call.
I know I'm in a loving, committed relationship and my son is being raised by the best parents my partner and I can be, that's pretty much all that matters.
2006-11-03 02:25:29
answer #6
answered by DEATH 7
ai don't think anyone is born gay. I think it is a learned behaviour.
2006-11-03 15:26:26
answer #7
answered by georgeewert 1
gay people are gay people, deal with it.
2006-11-03 19:01:58
answer #8
answered by scary g 3
I think you are born that way. Just my personal opinion.
2006-11-03 05:01:26
answer #9
answered by ? 5
people don't become gays...if it were that desireable every man would be doing it.
2006-11-03 02:23:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous