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5 answers

Why all the writing?

The first energy level can hold a maximum of two electrons. All but H and He have more than two electrons.

Get an "A".

2006-11-04 13:36:51 · answer #1 · answered by teachr 5 · 0 0

Period one only involved the S electron subshell (actually called the Orbital but subshell is easier to say). The next few involve both S and P, then the transition metals take on S, P, and D, then S, P, D, and F in the lachnoids and achnoids, or whatever they are exactly. The S subshell only holds 2 electrons. The P holds 6, but with a combination holds 8. D holds 10, plus 8 is 18, count across, starting to see a pattern yet? If not, look at the bottom two periods and put them where they belong. Then count across. 18 + 14 and that's the aswer because the F subshell holds 14 electrons. Look up Elecron Orbitals.

2006-11-02 23:50:30 · answer #2 · answered by Mozer 3 · 0 0

Well, its because of the electrons orbiting the nucleus. In the first orbital its an S orbital. It only has enough room to hold 2 electrons. So as it progress it out to period 2, it can have a S and a P orbital. The S can hold 2 and the P can hold 6 so that gives you a total of 8 electrons so it has 8 elements. Since an element is defined by how many electrons and protons it has.

I guess you can think of it like the solar system, since the inner most orbital has a smaller circumference than the ones further out it can only hold 2.

2006-11-02 23:48:24 · answer #3 · answered by jessejames5769 2 · 1 0

There is only one electron shell. n=1...which means that there is one layer of electrons...Hydrogen has one, and Helium has 2...when an element gets 3 or more, the other electrons are forced into new shells...n=2, n=3...etc. Keep in mind that in each n shell there are subshells. n=1 has one 's' subshell...n=2 has an 's' and 'p'...there are also d and f subshells and that's usually the farthest out electrons go in a ground state.

2006-11-03 00:19:44 · answer #4 · answered by Shaun 4 · 0 0

It helps if you know something about quantum numbers, orbital theory and all that cool stuff. There are different regions where electrons can orbit the nucleus. The lowest-energy orbital (region of orbit), the s orbital, can only hold 2 electrons. The period 1 elements only have one s orbital, so they can only hold 2 electrons.

2006-11-02 23:51:40 · answer #5 · answered by i_amswift03 1 · 0 0

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