In my opinion, people (mostly extremist muslims) hate american politics foreign politics...American foreign politics have proved wrong many times, ex...vietnam, korea, panama, etc. Unfortunately, american politicians tend to think they are some kind of world peacekeepers, which not bad, but they do try to overshadow the real world peacekeepers, UN. Its the politicians and not the ordinary people, that ruin it...
2006-11-02 16:03:32
answer #1
answered by Hacker 3
Many think that America butts their heads into everyone's business, and maybe we do, but people don't ever take the time to think of the good things we do, only the bad. Could you imagine what would truly happen around the world if we were to pull all our troops and support from every country? It would be CHAOS. One of the biggest issues I have with the Press is that they only like to report all the negative things that are happening. When is the last time you saw a report that showed children and families over in Iraq that go up to a soldier, thanking them, blessing them for all that they have done? You don't see it, but it happens; I know firsthand. It saddens me when I see reports that a soldiers life has been taken, but one thing that I keep in mind, as should everyone else, is that these soldiers VOLUNTEERED to join the military, they were not drafted, they made a choice. When you take the oath to serve your country you take the oath to die (if necessary) for the rights and freedom of those whom cannot fight for themselves. If you live in America and hate it or Americans, if you hate the policies that govern us, then leave. Go ahead and move to Afghanistan or Iraq and maybe then you would appreciate all that this country does. For all other countries (like France) who look down on us, all I can say, is that I hope you never face a crisis. Everone is so quick to judge us, look down their nose at us, but America is the one that everyone comes crawling to when they need money or mlitary support. I'm not saying that America or Americans are perfect our country could definitely use some of the support we dole out to other countries and maybe we are creatures of convenience, but I don't know about anyone else, but I know I wouldn't live anywhere else. Here I have freedom and the ability to make my own choices. Here, I can express my opinion, like I am now, without facing any repercussions. In America I can practice any religion which I believe, whether it be Christainity, Hebrewism, Judaism, or no religion at all. And even though I hate it when I hear other Americans talk trash about this country, I hope they realize the fact that they have the freedom to do so.
2006-11-02 10:56:15
answer #2
answered by furbz1977 2
In a nutshell "envy". Actually most people don't hate America. or Americans, that's a big media lie. The media have to sell stories to generate interest and cash. It's always on your case, because it's the only real target they've got. All else is a switch-off and good news doesn't sell. I've travelled widely. Everywhere I've been, including China, they say the same thing "How do I get to America". I'm British, and as far as the standard of living and quality of life, compared to other societies goes, you get the best Bang for your Buck in USA. Without intenionally giving offence to anyone, there is an old saying "A critic is a legless man who teaches others how to run". They cann't better USA, so they attack it.
2006-11-02 10:33:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think it is because as a country you seem to do anything and everything according to your own self interests and be damned anyone elses needs or rights. It is like you are an economic bully
Example: how many countries have suffered military intervention by the USA since World War 2 including the farcical Grenada episode for which thousands of purple hearts were awarded.Most of these incursions have been to protect US economic interests
Example: the refusal of the US to sign up to the agreement to cut polution worldwide
Example: the continual use of the veto on UN resolutions that don't suit the US cause and the cherrypicking of others that do
And the funniest of all, when they re-named their french fries to freedom fries cos the French didn't agree with them on Iraq. That's just brainless
Bush certainly doesn't help. especially with the moronic "You're either with us, or against us" statement
Otherwise I think Americans are great and the girls are hot
2006-11-02 10:22:10
answer #4
answered by Yeah yeah yeah 5
I dont think that that is a true reflection of how "everyone" feels.
I believe Mr Bush has affected a lot of peoples attitudes, however I am certainly not inclined to think ill of a country by the actions of its President.
I believe that like anywhere there are varyinng degrees of personality aswell as other factors such as education. The backing of our Prime Minister in the war on Sudamm Hussain and the war on terror has hindered some peoples ability to see more clearly as this has had affects on our country due to the combined actions of our leaders. This however is not the fault of the American public.
I tend to think that some people feel that some Americans think they are the higher country and are the "superior race" and that is not a position any country is in. This can come across by some as "full of it" and "up themselves".
I however believe there is good and bad in all countries, ethnic origion, race and gender etc......
2006-11-02 10:05:36
answer #5
answered by mjastbury 3
Well we have suffered it for years from you Americans always putting us down! Some british people dont like americans as a reaction to that, some are just not open minded. But even Friends made Emily a kind of bad English character, if you open up your eyes you will see it happening a lot to english ppl in so many petty examples in your tv shows exported over here.
The top complaint is just being everything that Britain is scared of being, which is kind of funny as we are probably the next most wasteful and materialistic country in the world! But we arent afraid to laugh at ourselves and maybe the us sometimes seems not to be able to do that........hope that helps !
2006-11-02 10:11:43
answer #6
answered by Zinc 6
Everybody thinks that because of the gov't. We thought the same way of Japanese Americans before, and now we're complaining?
Besides, look at all these wars. Revolutionary, Civil, WWI, WWII, Afghanistan, French and Indian, against Grenada, Mexican, Vietnam, Iraq...the list goes on and on. I just listed 10. Our history is roughly 200 years. That's like a war every 20 years! When you live to 60, you have gone through 3 wars already!!!
NOTE: I am only looking from the other side (I have aknack for seeing it both ways), but it makes a lot of sense.
2006-11-02 10:15:39
answer #7
answered by ^-^ 2
I have to tell you that I or my Husband do not dislike America or Americans.
We have had some fab holidays over there and are planning to come back next year.
When anyone over here starts saying they can't stand Americans the first question I ask is have you actually met one and nine time out of ten they haven't, they are going by what someone else has said. I tell them to get themselves over there and get out and meet the people. Stay away from tourist attractions and go to the places where the locals go. You can have no end of fun. As soon as they hear our accent everyone wants to talk to you.
We looked at the possibilities of coming over there to live, the only thing stopping us is that my husband has bad varicose veins and it may get to the point where he would not be able to travel for treatment and your medical insurance is really expensive.
Before anyone out there starts shouting about us using the nhs while living abroad we have paid in all our lives and if asylum seekers and come here for it I'm sure we are entitled to do it.
2006-11-02 10:08:52
answer #8
answered by glo 2
Some people are tend to believe that the people of a country is judge by how and what kind of the leaders/presidents that they vote. and how the people treat other people wether inside there own country or not..I guess that most hate americans because of how they see the americans treat other people without respect or any other bad ways..although not all of them is like that..
2006-11-03 00:47:14
answer #9
answered by Aya 2
Your electoral system is crap, every four or eight years you chuck up some nonenity who ends up ruling the planet and you and the rest of us are stuck with him for four years at least.
If Britain gets it wrong either Parliament or public consensus consigns him/her to the history books post haste.
The sad fact is you are a young country filled with immigrants with little or no roots and so like the unloved child you go over the top to prove yourselves worthy and like small children you make far too much noise.
England on the other hand has real history and roots and so has to make far less noise in the world to be heard, although Blair is doing his best to change all that.
I have also been 'speaking' to a lady on this site from another European country who can trace her ancestry back eleven hundred years, that is security my friend, that is self assurance.
Come back in a few hundred years when your voice is quieter and you may just find greater respect.
2006-11-02 10:29:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous