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24 answers

ok, i dont like it

2006-11-02 08:06:49 · answer #1 · answered by Happyworms 4 · 0 1

Torchwood aka Doctor Who anagram.
I think that the principle of the show is a good idea a bit like the films Men In Black however something does not seem right and I think it is the actors they have picked for the part.
Jack when in an episode of Dr Who was an excellent character I did want to see more of but they seem to have changed him for the worst.
I also think that the setting not Cardiff that is OK but the place they all hang out seems odd/dark/and to much overload of things you cant really define anyone thing or what it is for I suppose a bit like the tardis.It has no feel of a place is what I am trying to say.
I really think this could be so good and needs good tuning perhaps all our thoughts and words may be listened to and something done for next time.

2006-11-02 08:19:54 · answer #2 · answered by momof3 7 · 0 1

Well, when I first watched it, it wasn't like anything I was expecting. I thought it would be like Doctor Who (as it was a Doctor Who spin off) but this is really far more darker and more sinister. As you say, It is a good idea for a show but this isn't really my taste in programme if all episodes are like the first. So, I don't think I'll be watching it.

And the reason it is in Cardiff is that above the town is a paraellel hole that harbours alot of nuclear energy. Check the 1st season:

By Russell T Davies

The TARDIS crew take a holiday, but the Doctor encounters an enemy he thought long since dead.
A plan to build a nuclear power station in Cardiff City disguises an alien plot to rip the world apart. And when the Doctor dines with monsters, he discovers traps within traps.

Anyway, I read in the The Sun that in later episodes there will be sex addicted aliens, lesbian relationships in the group and Captain Jack is a Bi-sexaul.

2006-11-02 08:36:35 · answer #3 · answered by Nyx 3 · 1 0

Very often the 1st series of any new one are not that good, check out Fools & Horses, Friends etc, a lot of these nearly got cancelled after the 1st 10 or 12.

I like the idea, but not so sure abou the characters, I think Gwen is going to get on my nerves, but I suspect cat Cato Jones might be a bit of a dark horse.

Since Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who, maybe Jack is going to be his brother or maybe he is somesort of duplicate/replica doctor who from an previous adventure?

Why shouldn't it be set in Cardiff? Makes a change from London

2006-11-02 20:21:35 · answer #4 · answered by Breeze 5 · 1 0

It was an odd choice to try and make it an adult programme when it is a spin off from what is the biggest children's programme in recent times.

I know that Dr Who was not 'aimed' entirely at children, but they must make-up 90% of it's audience (and 100% of merchandise sales). It therefore seems strange to me that 'Torch-wood' was not aimed at the same audience as Dr Who.

For what content they included that made it 'adult', I would have thought that it would have been better to leave that out and screen it earlier so that the Dr Who fan-base could watch it, most of whom have patientially waited a year for it to come out - only to find they are not old enough to watch it.

Screening it more-or-less EVERY night, does not improve the available 'adult' audience, it just serves to annoy those that have already watched it!

It needs more Dr who tie in's, National coverage (not just Cardiff all the time), a more believable (ruthless) team and loose the 'so called adult' rating, so that the real Dr Who fans (the under 10's) can watch it!

2006-11-02 08:38:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

OK I like it. John Barrowman is achingly handsome and the other characters are growing on me. I like Burn Gorman ("Owen") - he was great in Bleak House as "Guppy" and its nice to see him on TV again.

I'm Welsh and lived in Cardiff for 11 years. Its great seeing the sites of the city (nearly had a heart attack when my ex husband walked part the camera as an extra though - eeek!)

But it annoys me a bit how unlike Cardiff it really is - for a start hardly anyone in Cardiff has a really strong sing song Welsh accent or a really Welshy-Welsh name like Gwen, Rhys, Carys, Bethan, Ianto bloody Jones etc!!! I don't! They all seem like really lame Welsh stereotypes to me. Its as if they made it to appeal to what non-Welsh people think Cardiff is like and it just gets on my nerves a bit.

Its a bit like setting a series in Glasgow and calling all the characters Angus and Hamish and the like. And have them all wearing kilts and playing the bagpipes. While eating haggis.

Cardiff is really multicultural and cosmopolitan. The funniest thing was that fat white Valleys boy working in the pizza parlour in the first episode. If that had really been Cardiff he's have been a Somali or a Turk or something.

So that gets on my nerves a bit.

But aside from that I'm enjoying it - Its just good to see the BBC doing something imaginative and new, instead of just making lame comedies that aren't funny or putting our repeats.

And its great that both Doctor Who and Torchwopod are filmed in Cardiff as it brings interest to the area

2006-11-02 11:13:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Quite engaging, and much better than I feared it might be. But I have to say that it doesn't seem quite right that it's set in Cardiff - I don't mean that in any anti-Welsh way, but I suppose it's being a Londoner that makes it seem strange. Still, I have to hand it to them - they explain *why* it's in Cardiff well enough, and they also pointed out that there were other Torchwood 'cells' in other parts of the country.

I can't help feeling that it could be better, but I am enjoying it.

2006-11-02 09:19:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Personally i think it's very good Sarah and it lives up to the hype. It's early days yet but i like the storylines and the effects and that Gwen looks cute. We're promised it will dovetail with DW with characters crossing over to explain how Capt. Jack ended up in Cardiff after being revived by Rose.
A lot of people don't seem to like it cos it's too dark in outlook. This is the "adult" show William Davies wants to run alongside Doctor Who.

2006-11-02 14:19:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I have to say i like it. To begin with i wasn't entirely sure Barrowmen could pull it of but he dedfinity does. I like that it's a totaly diffrent show, tonealy at least, from Doctor Who. I'd have hated just a clone. The storylines are quite clever, if a touch..how to say this..'sexed up' at points merly because it's for an adult audience and they can. I like the lead women, i think shes very talanted and a good actress. All in all i give it a thumbs up!

2006-11-02 22:07:56 · answer #9 · answered by Lorna F 1 · 1 0

Three? Sheeit, I missed the third one! I like it, the first episode was a bit more exciting than the second, but I like the general premise and I also like that it's set in the fair city of Cardiff.

2006-11-02 08:14:36 · answer #10 · answered by Kango Man 5 · 2 0

I think it's really good and very clever the way it's tied into Dr Who. I missed Episode 3 on Sunday and last night. Does anyone know if it's on again before Sunday?????

2006-11-02 08:36:10 · answer #11 · answered by Bomere 2 · 1 0

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