It's very easy to set up, all you need is a bank account and card. It's easy to manage, giving you full details and print out receipts if required. If you buy a product off of eBay and you don't get the item or have a dispute, Paypal have their own system whereby your money is refunded straight away until the matter is resolved.
2006-11-02 04:23:43
answer #1
answered by Dragon Empress 6
paypal is pretty secure, just remember they will never ask for personal details from you by email so if you get one that appears to be from them asking for your pin no or something forward it to their spoof centre, also they can either take money directly from your card when you pay or via direct debit from your bank, I have paid things before, paypal have paid the seller, I have received the item, thought they had took money from me and received a bank charge as paypal didn't come in for the money for 10 days, I now use internet banking to track what I have paid and what has come off so I know how much to leave in the ban. Banks don't like paypal and don't know anything about it, they will pass the buck if you complain. Don't let this put you off as ebay is amzing, as long as you know what you are doing you'll be fine, so when you join paypal, read all the information you can find on the website. Knowledge is power! Also, you can pphone them and speak to a real person if you need to so that helps too!
2006-11-02 04:25:38
answer #2
answered by ALEX K 2
paypal is a piece of wee to use and set up, join ebay and then register for paypal. All you need is a current bank account. You are also protected upto £500 in case some knob tries to rip you off. I never buy anything on ebay without using paypal. I also seel using paypal only as this gives other people confidence.
2006-11-02 04:30:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Paypal is ok ive ben using it for a while and have had no security issue with it. It does seem to be a bit of a hassle to transfer money from paypal to your own account. If you want to sell a lot of things you will want to do this otherwise paypal are gathering interest on your cash. I have heard of a few problems with it though. Check out the ebay community board and you'll see what i mean.
2006-11-02 04:29:17
answer #4
answered by the little ninja 3
I must be one of the few who have had a problem with paypal i never got to the verication stage yet I have an account with them or so it seems as they still send me emails As if i was a fully verified member. I found Freb Bears information very interesting. I have never used ebay so I dont have that problem. Personally i have never got verified as they never sent the two amount they said they would and also, have my account details which I find annoying as I now have to trust a bunch of strangers not to start taking money from it. The last email I got from them was offering me a £4 gift to use on postage an packaging. I have never used the account and I find that suspicous. I have tried on several occasions to cancel it but have had no joy.
I hope you have better luck
2006-11-02 05:00:32
answer #5
answered by wandera1970 6
I have been using Pay Pal for nearly 2 years when buying from ebay and other sites. I have had no problems with it, in fact I would recommend it as you do have some protection against things you buy. I bought something from ebay which never arrived and Pay Pal refunded the whole amount back in to my account. It is easy to set up and check whether transactions have been completed.
It is better than sending cheques, cash or postal orders.
2006-11-02 04:24:37
answer #6
answered by koolkatt 4
Paypal is great never had anyproblems with it at all, there are security checks to confirm that all the details you are giving are actually being given by you, it is all very safe and i use it all the time with ebay.
You need to varify your account:
Paypal will deposit two small sums into your bank account eg 2p and 5p and then will ask you to confirm the amounts.
You will then be asked to supply a tel no. and ebay will call to check this is genuine. And thats it all done.
Setting up a business/premier account is prob your best bet as there are no restrictions with this.
Good luck
2006-11-02 04:24:00
answer #7
answered by jenna p 3
I have been using paypal for ebay for about 2 years. It's set up in a few minutes, really easy,(even for me!) Had no problems with it.
2006-11-02 04:27:42
answer #8
answered by angel 3
I have been using PayPal for business and pleasure for several years.
My only difficulty is that for security reasons you can not change the country of your address. You must have an account for each country. Since I live and work in 3 countries that is a pain.
Yet, I would not want to do without PayPal.
2006-11-02 04:30:14
answer #9
answered by Paroshep 2
Pretty easy to set up and pretty much runs without you having to visit much unless you want to . Go to and it will take you thru the hoops. I've liked it for buying on ebay because I believe it a trusty "middle-person". And ebay-ers actually seem to expect you to use it. Try 'er out for a spin and if you decide you dont' like, I'm sure you can quit it. And I'm pretty sure it's a secure (the little lock at the bottom of the page) webpage when you get to the info you dont' everyone to see. Good luck.
2006-11-02 04:25:36
answer #10
answered by theedman22 3