Hey, if your husband ran off with some chick, why should you care about his feelings? I'd do it. Be sure it's not for revenge, though, but cause you want to. Who knows maybe something will come of it. Do you think though that maybe your ex put him up to it, just to see if you'd do it? Ask yourself how close are these guys and would they play you, or is this dude think that what your ex did to you is messed up and he really likes you?Also, do you guys have kids?This could be a custody thing where they need prove you're an unfit mother, maybe.......there is a lot of things to think about here.
2006-11-02 02:20:45
answer #1
answered by INSANE SUGARPUFF 6
I say...Go For It ! He is your friend also! So you shouldn't even be asking this question. Besides,you shouldn't worry about what your ex thinks about it ..he ran off with another girl, so who cares what he thinks!! Get together with your friend and have a good time! Also ..Tell your friend to stay safe over there in Iraq and that my family supports all the troops ..
2006-11-02 10:23:11
answer #2
answered by Rose T 2
Look at it like this: were you friends before he went to Iraq? I assume so. Just because your husband left you, that is not a reason to turn your back on your friend. He is doing this country a great service, and needs all the support he can get. If you turn your back on him, it will just hurt him more. see him, hang out, have a few drinks, and enjoy his company.
2006-11-02 10:04:47
answer #3
answered by I_didn't_do_it 2
Listen...Your ex is your ex...that means that you are not doing anything wrong in seeing his friend. He is only in town for 10 days and remember he has been gone awhile. Go have fun with him and enjoy as much of the 10 days that you can.
2006-11-02 10:04:24
answer #4
answered by mshellrosie 3
Ten days, a soldier fighting for our country, and an ex who ran out on you for some one else. I think you're free from guilt on this one. Have a fabulous ten days with him, and always remember: friends first.
2006-11-02 10:03:45
answer #5
answered by EnglishKitty 2
If you mean just to hang out, definitely. Don't give up your friends just because of a pending divorce. However, if you mean slap and tickle - no.
2006-11-02 10:02:21
answer #6
answered by kny390 6
Absolutely! He's your friend, too! Hang out and have fun while you can!
2006-11-02 10:02:33
answer #7
answered by Lt 5
See him?? Nothing wrong with doing whatever makes you and him happy!!!
2006-11-02 10:01:51
answer #8
answered by Forlorn Hope 7
if my old man spilt the yes i would see the friend!
2006-11-02 10:06:30
answer #9
answered by just_me_1955 5
dirty rat bastard!! left you for another women- do it to his best friend, better than you ever gave your husband!!! he will feel that one!!!!
2006-11-02 10:03:51
answer #10
answered by A Proud Marine's Daughter 3